@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils parlent de ce qui n’a pas fonctionné lors de la défaite du match 4 contre la Caroline | DIABLES DU NOUVEAU JERSEY

0:00 – Nico Hischier 1:59 – Dougie Hamilton 3:25 – Vitek Vanecek 4:48 – Damon Severson 8:11 – Lindy Ruff


  1. This one really just kinda hurt. Frustration, frustration. Idk what we need but I would like to see Schmid – idc what ppl say I've seen him and he is THE GUY. Whatever man, goodnight

  2. dougie is a disgrace, idc about a ntc. FORCE HIM OUT. plays terribly for 20 min and has a good 10 seconds in a game.

  3. Damn our own Captain looks defeated :/ I hope our season continues but proud of the guys regardless .

  4. Crying myself to sleep tonight. Would say goodnight but it’s in fact NOT a good night. Night.

  5. Game ………… Set ……………. Match.
    Team is too young, and has NO GOALTENDING.

  6. Keep your head up guys! It's not over til it's over! I know you will give it everything you have game 5. FANS NEED TO MAKE MORE NOISE WHEN THE GAME IS TIED 1-1 or even down 2-1 wtf… If we give up on them and the rock is dead they are going to feel it. We go up or down together so start acting like it! Proud of you guys regardless for beating the Rangers in round one. What a service to Devils fans. I'm getting a shirt with the Devils guy or something pitch forking the Rangers Logo.

  7. This team has no grit, this team is soft, this team is not built for playoffs. Ruff said the late first half goal did not deflate the team but guess what! This is exactly what happened and happens every single time the Devils allow the first goal. This series showed that third of roster needs to go. Player like Bratt, Meier, Tatar. The coaching staff probably too. Although it is not going to happen. Ruff been coaching for 3 years and yet to teach player to shoot the puck. Instead they skate like free skaters and try to be too fancy. Against Carolina! Thats suicidal. This team is going to win nothing in 3, 5 even 10 years if they play like that. Thanks for the season. It was a good surprise but big changes needed!

  8. Not responding well to adversity within games seems like a problem of experience. They have a shaky few minutes, the Canes smell it and jump on them, and a 2-1 game turns into 5-1. And, like Ruff said, they also don't handle success well. It's a pattern at this point. The series isn't over but this looks like a young, inexperienced team taking some real lumps.

  9. That was god awful boys. Got a serious hill to climb here. It was a great season though. V looks devastated. He knows it’s been a rough few weeks for him.

  10. Lmfaoooo. I feel a hurricane 🌀 a’ blowin’ and I think it’s gonna send these bums back to Hell where they came from.

  11. We can take an L as fans but not another blow out. Especially during a very crucial game. Only McLeod showed up! Bratt can take a hike at this point and Hamilton wtf have you been? You’re deep in the playoffs already stop the BS that you need to get better. 6-1 is not acceptable PERIOD!

  12. You have a bad habit of thinking you can turn it on and off. Canes can all score high quality goals if you give them room. Road games are good for high skill teams because you simplify. Thats what they just did to you. Don’t stop skating.

  13. VV should have never started.
    Lindy was looking ahead, trying to show confidence in the long-term #1, I think for future series (Rule of Two). But in the words of Sammy Hagar, “Right Now. It’s everything.” Schmid should have been in net.

    That being said, the sloppy defense and the inability to overcome that forecheck is the real crux.

    Both need addressed.

  14. Players are understandably disappointed. I would HATE these interactions with the media

  15. Absolute bums ! As a season ticket holder I’ve been there for every game and this was a joke .. with absolute bums like wood and smith in the lineup we can’t expect to win

  16. "We just stopped play" are you fucking kidding me, people spent good money to see that shameful showing

  17. Apparently the entire fan base knew not to start that fraud Vanecek except the coach. Bad time to become senile for Ruff. Absolutely brutal

  18. You can tell the team plays with no confidence with Vanecek in net. They gave up on the game entirely after his 2 soft goals

  19. The other team scores one goal and we crumble. How did we not learn anything in Round 1? Carolina is a better team than NY and they're not gonna fall apart for us. You guys are saying you've got belief but where was it in G1 and G2? Then we played great G3. Idk man

  20. There is nothing more to talk about. It's over until next season. I really thought the Devs could have made the Finals. Playing catch up Hockey finally has caught up to them.

  21. Let’s go rangers feel the pain devils so big and bad in the first round 😭😂

  22. All 5 devils fans are sad right now.

    Devils are soft. Easiest series for Carolina lmao

  23. Valuable lesson for this young team. Sucks in the moment, but many many fun years ahead. This Canes team is just a slightly older, tougher/meaner, more experienced and more disciplined Devils team. They'll get there, but going to have to take your licks first.

  24. Lol love seeing all you cocky devils fans cry and whine. TRASH see ya NJD!! Bahaha

  25. Wow the Devils are devastated right now. This series feels over… but Lindy is pretty awesome, I must say. He was excellent in that presser.

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