@Maple Leafs de Toronto

9 minutes d’annonces de paris par match




  1. xl185sRider

    It has made me have to talk to my kids about gambling and addiction, which maybe isn’t totally a bad thing.

  2. Key-Writer-9416

    I personally like to gamble. Usually casino. But these commercials are so annoying. I put the TV on mute everytime commercials come on cause I’m sick of it. Every single stoppage in play oh here’s bet 365, olg, mgm etc etc when will it end…..

  3. TittyCobra

    Only 9 mins? I woulda hammered the over

  4. 30to40bees

    i would’ve guessed a higher number – the article mentions on-screen banners, but does that include the intermission gambling “analysis” segments, and picture-in-picture cutaways? and of course there’s the board ads and for some teams, helmet logos. it’s all too much. restrictions should definitely come, i understand the concern for young kids being influenced but i’m thinking it must be rough for recovering gambling addicts to be bombarded with this shit. i’m sure it’s triggered many relapses.

  5. kingex11

    No one is more disappointed in the Leafs bouncing out in the 2nd round than gambling companies.

  6. PersimmonMindless

    Please! It is way too much.

  7. dolphin_spit

    also, email sportsnet. they replied back to me.

    if more people contacted them it would help.

  8. BooeyHTJ

    I don’t know if it’s the broadcasts in the US or what, but I timed just the DK ads one game and I believe it came out to 6 hours and 43 mins. The betting predictions during intermissions alone were over 3 hours. I believe.

  9. SynthRysing

    The worst part is, these stupid betting companies only allow betting in Ontario. Yeah sure it’s Toronto Maple Leafs but they have national, if not internationally based fans. What’s the point of airing it on national broadcasts?

  10. Matrix17

    Ads in general are a scourge. I don’t watch anything where I can’t block them

  11. radicallyhip

    I hate them. I hate them so much. It’s all green and yellow screens screaming at me for money, feels like I’m watching an Elks game, yuck. Also I hate Steve for selling out and accepting a sponsorship from them. I turned my ad blocker back on for his videos. Come on Steve. Be better than that.

  12. DangleWho

    I have never once in watching this core for the past 7 years been less excited to watch a hockey game. I’m just so burnt out and tired of all the NHL bullshit. The whole production, the ads, the commentary, the officiating and especially the team constantly letting me down. I’ve watched pretty much every game I could and never thought I’d purposely miss a game let alone a playoff game but I don’t think I can do it anymore.

  13. Satanshmaten

    Given the state of officiating in professional hockey, who in their right mind could bet on the games?

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