@Panthers de la Floride

Réaction des fans des Maple Leafs de Toronto au match 1 LOSS contre les Panthers de la Floride

Bien qu’ils aient été largement dominés par les tirs, les Panthers de la Floride ont remporté une victoire de 4-2 sur les Maple Leafs de Toronto lors du premier match de leur série éliminatoire de deuxième tour. Dans cette vidéo, un partisan des Maple Leafs réagit en direct de la Scotiabank Arena.


  1. People who continue to believe in the Leafs and wear their gear are dumber/more gullible than the average human. You'd have to be a glutton for punishment. And it seems the louder the fans, the harder the inevitable fall.

  2. No offense to you, but man, as a Cats fan, it sure feels fun hearing Leafs fan talk soooooo much trash at us in just the two days leading up to tonight only to hear them already saying they don't have a chance. God, I hope it's a good series, but Leafs fans are totally incomprehensible with their seeming detachment from reality.

  3. Hey friendly panthers fan here just a quick stat from last year's round 1 playoffs. Carter Verhaeghe scored on Sam 6 times in 6 games and he scored the gwg more than a few times on him. Two games he scored twice. He was involved in almost every goal against Sam. If you guys want to beat the panthers that's the guy you need to swap out. Everyone is saying teams are playing sloppy against the panthers but it is the panthers making them play that way. It's only going to be a goalie battle in these playoff games v the panthers. Good luck in game 2!

  4. I think the buds will win the next one!!!! They're going to have to dig deeper though.

  5. Why was that dude yelling "Bull-Shit!" on the Panthers' 4th goal? It was a totally clean play. Was he just saying that about the Leafs D?

  6. 😆 The Lightning would have sent them back to Canada if it wasn’t for the Ref’s BLINDNESS.

  7. “Bull shit” screaming in Monty’s goal is like sweet music to my ears.

  8. honestly dude.. good footage of the live goals and reactions. Especially the knies goal. Amazing skating ! too bad.

  9. We 🍁💀🍁gonna lose game 2 also, Panthers “Fire at Will” but we got to the second round…yuck!

  10. dude. As good friend. And as I Toronto born and raised person. I grew up in east end playing cosom hockey in the street with bunch of other immigrant kids and minority kids along with irish and english kids from the neighborhood. I stopped being a leafs fan. I would suggest you do the same!! LOL! They are never going to win the stanley cup. I am sorry but not under this sort of like corporate structure that the MLSE has. The organization is so huge and broad that it the last people that actually seem to benefit or care about the team are the MLSE or the corporation that owns. The people that benefit the most are the investors and the business owners around the maple leafs logo. What is it going to take for a brilliant young team to come up the ranks and go all the way??? — the teachers to make 1 million dollars as a salary? ticket prices to be $500 during the regular seasons (nosebleeders?). Or property prices around the area to be 10 million dollars and be also owned by MLSE??? get out while you can man. Cheer for the habs, cheer for new york rangers. Sell your channel to some arab/lebanese guy or some indian desi guy that has money and get out while you can!!! 3-0?? blowing 2 perfect good leads that a good defence would protect. That is just honestly beyond heartbreaking. It is rude to the fans. To make treat them like school boys meanwhile racist teachers go on making $100,000 salaries by making a mockery of other students . The problem with the leafs?? – they basically do not care about the regular fans. The team is a projection of the investor group first. And not the fans. That is just horrible. Next year the same thing??? another good regular season Knies will have a good year, they will sign new talent?? and then just to flop in the playoffs? Tavares out! thank you for the goal, many other guys out. Nylander, Buntin, Kampf?? (what a name – so maybe it is MEIN?? my? ) LOL what a joke of a team. P.S and I actually went to see them twice. I went to the maple leafs garden to see them against ottawa once before they moved and then in the new stadium vs san jose once.

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