@Sabres de Buffalo

[Prashanth Iyer] Après les résultats du tirage au sort, un bref aperçu des endroits où les médias publics se sont moqués des joueurs

[Prashanth Iyer] Après les résultats du tirage au sort, un bref aperçu des endroits où les médias publics se sont moqués des joueurs



  1. jedwar05

    As long as we don’t take Sale it will be a successful first round with essentially any of the other names listed. Since there’s 17 names there, would put Yager, Barlow and Danielson with Sale as the grouping after us. One of the other 13, or even Simashev, would be a hit.

  2. Tsujimoto3

    I’m glad there aren’t any dots on 13 for Perrault.

  3. DJ-dicknose

    I’m putting on my rose colored glasses here, but I swear I’ve heard chatter of Michkov dropping out of the top ten because of his contract. Is that still a thing? Was it ever a thing?

  4. HilmDave

    Ok what number are we

    Nope dumb question sorry I’m high. Leaving it up bc I own my bullshit.

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