@Golden Knights de Vegas

Il n’y a AUCUNE PLACE dans le hockey de la LNH pour cela

Lors du match 4 d’hier soir de cette série Edmonton Oilers vs Las Vegas Golden Knights, les choses se sont plutôt gâtées à la fin. Menant 4-1 avec le filet vide, Leon Draisaitl a tenté de s’incliner dessus avec un filet vide quand Alex Pietrangelo est tombé et l’a frappé à 2 mains. Je n’ai pas vu un slash comme celui-ci depuis un moment. Sur la tête avec les deux mains. Je dirais que c’est une intention assez claire de blesser. Puck n’était nulle part près de Draisaitl et ce n’est même pas un jeu de hockey. Il n’y a pas de place dans la LNH pour ça. Cela dit, je pense que la LNH et les officiels ont aussi une part de responsabilité. Evander Kane a pris une mauvaise course à Pietrangelo lors du dernier match avec un contrôle croisé au cou qui n’a obtenu qu’un mineur de 2 minutes. Avec l’incohérence de ces séries éliminatoires, à un moment donné, les joueurs commenceront à prendre les choses en main. Pietrangelo a une audience, alors la LNH fera-t-elle ce qu’il faut et le suspendra-t-il? #hockey #nhl #highlights #nhlplayoffs #edmontonoilers #vegasgoldenknights


  1. UPDATE NHL Player Safety:
    Vegas’ Alex Pietrangelo has been suspended for one playoff game for Slashing against Edmonton’s Leon Draisaitl
    Edmonton’s Darnell Nurse has been automatically suspended for one game and Coach Jay Woodcroft has been fined $10,000 under rule 46.21, Instigating in Final Five Minutes of Regulation.

  2. Kane absolutely should have been suspended. He’s a repeat offender that has been doing dirty, cheap shit like that his entire career.

  3. Refs and rules are leaning toward the liberal side i think. Ridiculous calls.

  4. Say it with me… STOP. TRYING. TO. DISCOURAGE. FIGHTS. this is what happens when you outlaw fights, players find other ways to get at each other.

  5. Next time drisaitl hacks someone,I hope the guy grabs him and cleans his clock,literally beats the shit out of him.

  6. You're not wrong. But honestly, I lost all faith in the NHL when Colin Campbell the VP of NHL directed the refs to 'put their whistles away' after game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals in 2011 when Vancouver was leading 2 games to 0. The Boston Bruins who had Colin's son Gregory on the team, then proceeded to rough, hack, punch and manhandle the Vancouver team that was built for speed and skill due to the NHLs previously new rules which claimed to reward skill and speed and penalize 'non-hockey brutality'.

    Being a typical Canadian, I have always loved the physical aspect of the game. HOWEVER, the previous 2 years the NHL had been promoting itself to be more focused on skill. All season AND ALL playoffs the refs consistently called penalties penalties. But for some strange reason after Game 2 they stopped calling penalties. Vancouver had been dominating on the powerplay and were not built for toughness. That is how Boston then won 4 of the next 5 games.

    After that, I noticed the NHL uplifting smaller US markets and taking advantage of the Canadian markets as they knew we would tune in no matter what. Then the NHL went woke and supported Bilderberg funded marxist organizations like BLM and promoted a LGBT…. agenda to my kids. So I haven't watched an entire NHL game in almost 8 years. I've only just started to watch highlights of the Canadian teams in the playoffs, but can't bring myself to support this league anymore even though I do still love the game.

  7. Yeah the refing in that game absolutely sucked, mark stone was blatantly cross checked in the back in front of the net and no one called it🤦‍♂️

  8. Bunch of goons. It's why I gave up watching hockey about 15 years ago. These guys have ZERO class.

  9. Feel like everyone else is already saying it but seriously great take

  10. OH FFS… will yall stay away from sports at least. You can have all the woke whiney soft sh*t everywhere else, but stay tf out of sports. Yeah… dk move, but this happens all the time, and far worse. And real hockey players and fans love it.

  11. Willie Plett is probably going if he saw this: "Back in the day, I would whack a goalie over the head and be hit with maybe a $500 fine." For years now, I just watch Canucks hockey, but looking at this, my answer to your note about not having seen something like this in a long time: well, that's partly because Chris Pronger is thankfully out of the NHL, the guy who is partly responsible for tougher rules around the net – i.e., no more vicious cross-checks to the back of a defenceless player in front of the net.

  12. everyone knows Kane is a piece of shit. we just found out now Pietrangelo enters that category now

  13. They called 10 min penalties one after another at the end of the game. What else can the refs do? Plus, why not go after Kane instead of Draisaitl? Leon didn't do anything to him. So he goes after another innocent player. That was a very bad idea! Eichel and Karllson should stay loose! What goes around comes around.

  14. Don Cherry warned for years that if they removed enforcers from the league, then this crap would become problematic. Parros didn’t help much giving AP only the 1 game. He could have broke the arm of a player who is on pace to break the all time playoff goal record.

  15. thats the nhl
    rules change depending score or regular season and depend what player is involved

    just a beer league

  16. Crosschecks him in the throat… you mean the crosscheck rode up the shoulder.
    1 game suspension is a joke. This is how you get players to start to run at goalies

  17. I agree. It's one thing to for a team to be frustrated because a team is able to forecheck, name of the game. It is why players get penalized for retaliation. It is something else when blatant crosschecking and slashes or anything with the intent to injure or to target known injuries becomes pathetic. Playoffs are playoffs, but this game has no room for the intent to end someone's career.

  18. Pietrangelo needs at least 2 games if Nurse gets a game for a fight. A fight in hockey? WTF? It is the HOCKEY playoffs…. don't be children

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