@Canadiens de Montréal

Paul Maurice réagit aux Panthers de la Floride prenant une avance de 3-0 contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto | Après jeu

Regardez comment Paul Maurice réagit aux Panthers de la Floride prenant une avance de 3-0 contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto | Après le match, abonnez-vous à la chaîne de hockey de Fanatics View pour un contenu exclusif sur la LNH et le hockey en cliquant ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg?sub_confirmation=1 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne de sports principale de Fanatics View ici : https://www. .youtube.com/channel/UCy31smm3GNCgbSgYm9hb41Q?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/fanaticsvieworiginals Vous pouvez également vous abonner aux autres chaînes sportives de Fanatics View ici Basketball Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UChYA8XpBfYwSIDGp6p70Wag Boxing & MMA Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMSjEKmxTNrA-LYrU_RtRg 4th & Inches – NFL & College Football Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpm2KGfgIjk_jwjmBhB2Tw Baseball Channel : https:/ /www.youtube.com/channel/UC7tk0cTJsg3c9vzwEDzZ6Qw Hockey Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg #PaulMaurice #FloridaPanthers #TorontoMapleLeafs Dallas Stars Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PL1Y-iH9RF6fnMDDkKGRPqi3X1DluA0t0a Liste de lecture des Canadiens de Montréal : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnQDCvsJv9Ckp6bhGPtawka Liste de lecture des Maple Leafs de Toronto : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmoakCWhF8eUxt9GU8lp qnv Tampa Bay Lightning Liste de lecture : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkAA9IonFbOvruKwgI9bszj Liste de lecture des Islanders de New York : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmuQXBcT37ClNuHjDYtyrdQ Liste de lecture Avalanche du Colorado : https://www. youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkYv98vPNbQrrlFHRwNaGBk Liste de lecture des Sénateurs d’Ottawa : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkr-wVsqHtqEwr5vcAz9wNQ Liste de lecture des Canucks de Vancouver : https://www.youtube.com/playlist? Liste = PL1Y-IH9RF6FLYG1JSCOSIC1GS2PSXK7_Q NHL Interviews Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=pl1y-ih9rf6fnhqgnh_h8ncx5ggfypcUvp nhllist playlist= 6fl7e9ih6ytjuxcuiht5 -_- v Liste de lecture d’interviews exclusives de Fanatics View : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHc0RXS2jamlfv_B5J76s1syrJOt2cw3c Fanatics View est accrédité et reconnu par toutes les ligues sportives majeures, y compris la NBA, la NFL, la MLB, la LNH et le sport de la boxe. Fanatics View produit du contenu original depuis 2016 et est l’une des start-ups de médias sportifs les plus accomplies de l’histoire moderne, spécialisée dans le contenu vidéo sportif exclusif. Fanatics View a son siège social à Dallas, au Texas, et est détenu et exploité de manière indépendante. Vous voulez aider Fanatics View à grandir ? Faites un don à notre entreprise directement sur CashApp $FanaticsView Visitez-nous sur http://fanaticsview.com/ pour des vidéos sportives quotidiennes et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter et IG https://www.facebook.com/fanaticsview https://www. twitter.com/fanaticsview https://www.instagram.com/fanaticsview


  1. What an answer when asked about 91, 88, 34 and 16 …… BOBROVSKY ha ha

  2. How far can they go? There is one huge hurdle in front of a possible cup win – Edmonton Oilers. If Leon Draisaitl continues to play like this plus McDavid. I don't know.

  3. I like how Paul handles the 4 2-on-1's to open the game. Sergei has been incredible this post season. The duel between him and Samsonov has been great. Hoping Sammy can come back.

  4. you guys are getting rip in the media in the podcast don`t say you don`t listen or care some of it is true even if you don`t believe it you need to ask yourselfs if i done enough or there is more i have you are down 3 to 0 in overtime played like you were in mud scare or nervous you need to put back life in your souls and see yourselfs win 1 game and not to give up keep fighting rise from the dead

  5. not much different from our first line of point kucherov stamkos…first line nonexistent you aint going to win

  6. The way Toronto fans dogged this guy when he coached TML, it will just be the cherry on top when he sweeps them on Wednesday.

  7. So glad for the success of Florida Panthers and Paul Maurice! We are passionate Canadian hockey fans and know how any team can win and move on in the playoffs, unlike any other professional sport. It's not about 4 or 5 high $$$ players, more about a balance of players who can grit it out on all 4 lines. C'mon game 4…. #PaulMaurice

  8. The US would be nothing without our Canadian hockey players and superb talent, this game is rigged and about money and Florida has 2 teams and is richer than Toronto/Ottawa combined. This is NOT the hockey me and gramps watched 60 years ago it is totally corrupt~I hate this game now except for me and my boys playing pick-up every Sunday we all don't even care anymore we play for FUN.

  9. Coach got swagger!!! I have to admit, I wasn't that excited about PM coaching this team initially. But damn! this guy is awesome. And everyone would say Hes awesome now…. but did you feel that way in the beginning?

  10. Lol. Neither of these teams are good enough to compete against the Canes or Oilers and Maurice has a reputation for no results in Cup runs. Good for Florida for living in the moment though, gonna end soon enough!

  11. Your team is dirty and the refs are in your pocket Bennett should have been suspended I’m sick of this crap bunting took a crosscheck to the neck and knies gets rock bottomed this nhl is becoming a joke and it makes me sick

  12. Teams can win when refs don’t call any penalties against your team, if someone cross checked your punks in the neck someone would have been suspended tell me the league isn’t stopping Canadian teams from winning the cup Florida is a cheap shit team

  13. Paul You are Awesome with Florida Panthers, Go For IT!!! Greetings from Helsinki, Finland 🇫🇮

  14. The Panthers look like the team to beat. Cats vs Canes would be a very exciting ECF series. These two teams are fairly evenly matched.

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