@Panthers de la Floride

Matthew Tkachuk et Nick Cousins ​​réagissent à la victoire de la série des Panthers de la Floride contre Toronto, but de Clutch OT

Regardez Matthew Tkachuk et Nick Cousins ​​réagir à la victoire des Florida Panthers contre Toronto, Clutch OT Goal Abonnez-vous à la chaîne de hockey de Fanatics View pour un contenu exclusif sur la LNH et le hockey en cliquant ici: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg? sub_confirmation=1 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne sportive principale de Fanatics View ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy31smm3GNCgbSgYm9hb41Q?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/fanaticsvieworiginals Vous pouvez vous abonner aux autres chaînes sportives de Fanatics View ici ainsi que la chaîne de basket-ball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYA8XpBfYwSIDGp6p70Wag Boxing & MMA Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMSjEKmxTNrA-LYrU_RtRg 4th & Inches – NFL & College Football Channel : https : //www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpm2KGfgIjk_jwjmBhB2Tw Chaîne de baseball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7tk0cTJsg3c9vzwEDzZ6Qw Chaîne de hockey : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg #MatthewTkachuk #FloridaPanthers #TorontoMapleLeaf à Dallas Liste de lecture des étoiles : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnMDDkKGRPqi3X1DluA0t0a Liste de lecture des Canadiens de Montréal : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnQDCvsJv9Ckp6bhGPtawka Liste de lecture des Maple Leafs de Toronto : https:// www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmoakCWhF8eUxt9GU8lpqnv Liste de lecture du Lightning de Tampa Bay : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkAA9IonFbOvruKwgI9bszj Liste de lecture des Islanders de New York : https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmuQXBcT37ClNuHjDYtyrdQ Liste de lecture de l’Avalanche du Colorado : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkYv98vPNbQrrlFHRwNaGBk Liste de lecture des Sénateurs d’Ottawa : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkr- wVsqHtqEwr5vcAz9wNQ Liste de lecture des Canucks de Vancouver : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6flYG1JSCOSIS1GS2PSXk7_Q Liste de lecture des entrevues de la LNH : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnhQGNh_H8NCx5gGfyPCuvP Liste de lecture du repêchage de la LNH : https : / /www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fl7e9Ih6YTjuxcUIHT5-_-v Fanatics View Interviews exclusives Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHc0RXS2jamlfv_B5J76s1syrJOt2cw3c Fanatics View est accrédité et reconnu par toutes les ligues sportives majeures – y compris la NBA, la NFL, la MLB, la NHL et le sport de la boxe. Fanatics View produit du contenu original depuis 2016 et est l’une des start-ups de médias sportifs les plus accomplies de l’histoire moderne, spécialisée dans le contenu vidéo sportif exclusif. Fanatics View a son siège social à Dallas, au Texas, et est détenu et exploité de manière indépendante. Vous voulez aider Fanatics View à grandir ? Faites un don à notre entreprise directement sur CashApp $FanaticsView Visitez-nous sur http://fanaticsview.com/ pour des vidéos sportives quotidiennes et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter et IG https://www.facebook.com/fanaticsview https://www. twitter.com/fanaticsview https://www.instagram.com/fanaticsview


  1. Hoping the Cats make it to the final. They were the underdog who made the best of their opportunity.

  2. Теперь всё в руках Флориды. Дальше их никто не может победить, они могут только проиграть сами. Очень солидная игра против двух очень сильных команд.

  3. Congrats to the cats, they play to their strengths and work well together. They are able to figure out the other team's "core" and weaknesses.

  4. The leafs owners will not allow the front office to "run it back" this time. The sample size of not being able to get it done by the current group (all) is evident. The owners will change things to appease the market.

  5. With all due respect to Hubby, now we can see what a huge difference is when you have a pure winner with a warrior mindset in your team.

  6. 108 texts saying "great job but nobody cares about Florida hockey!" Least charismatic team around.

  7. And for all the doubts about PoMo, they've played a very good two rounds of playoff hockey, which we didn't see last year (best wishes for Bruno, though)…

  8. Tkachuk looks like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys if he was young and in shape.

  9. It’s nice of Johnny Drama to take time away from acting to score OT winners for the Cats.

  10. The Toronto Maple Laughs can shampoo my crotch. What a dreadful navel gazing bunch of ego inflated maroons. Enjoy sucking on the golf course. The only person I feel bad for is Craig Simpson and his body. Between the sore jaw and wrists from the post game showers with his idols…… all the jumping up and down cheering for the Laughs is just gross (National Broadcaster) to boot. His last National broadcast partner quit out of embarrassment and professional self-preservation. Thanks T.O. A great way to start the Summer. Enjoy yours🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. Congratulations to the Cats! Great series win! Wishing you all the best in the conference finals.

  12. Fucking bullshit game 😆…. Stolen goal, Gudas holding the stick on the OT goal, fuck off dirty Panthers

  13. Not a fan of Tkachuk (who is, admittedly, a very skilled player) but he was spot on on why they won! Toronto is a team of individual talents whereas Florida is a TEAM!! Toronto has always tried to get the most talent available on their ice, but they have no cohesiveness, Florida does! The results are obvious! They beat Tampa Bay because they are an ageing team with a lot of the fight out of them!

  14. Thank you Hockey on Fanatics View for posting the interviews, I really appreciate it, it doesn't go unnoticed! You're a great channel and I'm sure you're going to gain a lot more subscribers in the future. Keep it up!

  15. Leaf fan here. Credit to Florida…Tkachuk is a huge gamer. Definitely a guy you want on your team. Panthers will be in the cup final after seeing their performances against the Bruins, now the Leafs

  16. how is it that the Panthers have an 87 million dollar cap hit and the leafs have an 89 million dollar cap hit….. and not have skilled guys like Toronto? Tkachuck even said it…..they don't have the skill Toronto has

  17. Gudas screened the goalie but also grabbed Jarnkroks stick and held it the whole time while the goal happened

  18. Hardcore Montreal Canadens Fan here..Congrats to The Panthers on this series….but i just can't stand Gudas…seriously …he couldn't even win with dignity and respect… #Gudasnoclassass

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