@Hurricanes de la Caroline

L’attaque des cannes explose contre les diables

Les Hurricanes de la Caroline ont battu les Devils du New Jersey 6-1 après une 2e période explosive où ils ont marqué 5 buts. Les Hurricanes montent 3-1 dans cette série et ont l’opportunité de clore la série à domicile dans le match 5. Les Devils ont-ils encore une chance dans cette série ? Faites-moi part de vos réflexions ci-dessous dans les commentaires! Discord : https://discord.gg/VmsHpTCGHy Patreon : patreon.com/user?u=84783219 Prix de 1 200 USD pour le vainqueur de la ligue sans frais d’inscription EASHL 6’s League : https://discord.gg/fSBU8FTW59 Podcast TSP : https : //www.youtube.com/c/TalkinSht #NHL #nhlhighlights #nhlplayoffs #nhlnews #stanleycup #stanleycupplayoffs #newjersey #newjerseydevils #NJD #Devils #hockey #hockeyhighlights #Carolina #CarolinaHurricanes #Hurricanes #CAR #Canes , devils du new jersey, nhl, devils, séries éliminatoires, séries éliminatoires de la coupe stanley, séries éliminatoires de la lnh, faits saillants de la lnh, sportsnet, jack hughes, luke hughes, jesper bratt, ryan graves, nico hischier, dougie hamilton, Akira Schmid, diables de Schmid, séries éliminatoires des ouragans de caroline ,ouragans de caroline,faits saillants de la lnh,andrei svechnikov,seth jarvis,le vestiaire,martin necas,sebastian aho,TheLockerRoomYT, NHL Playoffs, Stanley Cup Playoffs, Hurricanes vs Devils, Carolina Hurricanes vs New Jersey Devils


  1. Cardic Canes might refer to their ability to give fans heart attacks. Whether that's their own fans or the other teams fans is to be determined…

  2. I will say, I think if a goalie gets scored on that much, you have to think it's got something to do with the chances the guys infront of the goalie are allowing.

  3. If the Canes win this is technically a victory for New England!

  4. Canes fan. Ofc a great game tonight but like you I thought this was gonna be a close one and maybe we could steal one on the road. welp lol. We had this same game 5 chance at home against the islanders and we couldnt close it out so we will see with NJ. 2 things that im super excited and proud of is how our role players and guys further down the line have stepped up in the absence of svech and teuvo, truly massive for us and that coupled with our ability to actually win a road game in the playoffs this year has me sitting up at all times

  5. A few things:. Canes actually scored six straight, not five. Also, it's Nay'-chus, not Nee'-chus. FInally, it's fewer goals, not less. Good content though!

  6. Devils Paying a certain defenseman big money to be a bystander instead of putting up points.

  7. Opening edit made me laugh out loud! Also for future reference on pronouncing Necas: It’s Nay-chus not knee-chis.

  8. As I said last post, we need to find a way to stop the Canes stretch passes along with the quick tips into the middle of the ice that they use to advance into the neutral zone without having to out-skate us, this also prevents us from getting turnovers on the rush because the puck spends such a little amount of time in the neutral zone. SECONDLY we have to find a way to counter act there 1, 2, 2 fore-check, it suffocates us in our own end and causes mayhem and is preventing us from getting the puck out of our own end.

  9. This feels a lot like 2006 when the Hurricanes also began to peak during the playoffs and ended up with The Cup.

  10. The narrative from the national media is that the Hurricanes cant win a road game. Homers like PK Subban have stated that the Hurricanes couldn't handle the Devils speed. Well, the narrative is sadly mistaken and Subban still hasn't figured out that while offense may win you games it is defense that wins championships. The turnovers alone speak volumes. The Hurricanes caused 24 turnovers. The Devils caused 2. You need to look no further than that. Or you could look at the fact that the Devils top 4 defensemen couldn't cover my dead grandmother. Anyone hoping for a Stanly Cup with Dougie Hamilton is sadly mistaken. WE KNOW! He was a Hurricane and the Hurricanes were not going to pay 9 Million for an offensive defenseman who at times was lazy defensively. Enjoy overpaying him and others, This is a very different NHL now. Stanly Cups are won not during the post season or the regular season, or during preseason. They are won during the offseason. That's why Eric Haula isn't a hurricane anymore. If players show up to pre-season not ready to play game 7 of the Stanley Cup final they wont be Hurricanes anymore. When a fifty year old head coach outworks players who are supposed to be veterans maybe those veterans better re think their preparations. Good luck with your comeback. Maybe you pull off a miracle. To me this series feels over. When Jordan Martinook, a journeymen NHLer at best, storms the ice and makes your entire team look weak, it says all that is needed to say as to why the Devils are done this season. At least you'll have much better food to eat after the game in Raleigh on Thursday. That is, if the Category 5 that is moving South doesn't wipe your team out with 1 period. TAKE WARNING! Hurricanes on Thursday are waiting for you.

  11. Devils might as well start Blackwood in game 5 – they have nothing to lose, and if he lets in 4 goals then he’ll be as good as their best goalie this series. 😂

  12. My problem was lindy waiting till it was 5-1 to pull Vitek….he should’ve been on a short leash to begin with. I’m not against starting Blackwood Thursday, we don’t have much to lose. GG canes

  13. idk man schmid looked pretty damn bad in games 1 and 2. But he closed out game 4 so I would say playing him in game 5 is the smart move.

  14. love that ESPN used the Anchorman meme last night for this blow out!

  15. Yes, they do look like they can win the Cup. Prediction (?): Canes and either the Golden Knights or Oilers in the big Final.

  16. I don't understand why people think Carolina is a "boring" team cause you're not the first person I've heard say that. They may not have a superstar, but there is tons of talent on the roster. The team scores points, you basically can't ever count them out of a game even if they are down 3 points with 5 minutes left because they've tied games like that up before and then won them in OT, they're always in the offensive zone, they put tons of shots on goal. Like what exactly is boring about the team can anyone explain that to me?

  17. Devils fan.. tomorrow won’t even be close. I actually thought we would get sweeped to be honest. At least we beat the rangers though lol

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