@Sabres de Buffalo

Extrait sportif sur Hellebyuck et Sabres (crédit à @arisoha sur Twitter)

Extrait sportif sur Hellebyuck et Sabres (crédit à @arisoha sur Twitter)



  1. xBialyOrzel

    Yeah I don’t think I’m comfortable paying $9M to a goalie and giving up Krebs/Mittelstadt.

  2. UncleOrton

    I spelled Hellebuyck’s name wrong to assert dominance it wasn’t a typo

  3. Burger-Feast

    No thx. Like the general idea but I’d be looking for an established goalie with 1-3 years term left

  4. Buff716917

    Yes, the Sabres getting a true number 1 goalie would be huge. Anyone who’d be upset losing Mitts, Krebs or UPL haven’t fully understood the shit show in net since Miller was traded (exceptions being Levi and Anderson). Also he would be a great mentor for Levi

  5. mcas0509

    Fuck no! Youth movement should continue don’t mortgage the future

  6. AndyF1130

    Is there really belief Levi isn’t ready to be a NHL goalie next season still?

  7. black2016rs

    Yea, no thanks.

    While the Sabres have initial cap space, they won’t for much longer. They can’t afford to take on 6+ now and a potential increase in a longer deal with Hellebuyck.

    While I can get behind the desire for a #1 workhorse goalie, the Sabres need to be fiscally responsible for long term success.

  8. tootnine

    After the past 2 years I have zero faith in Adams to competently address goaltending this offseason. He’ll probably find a way to bring Carter Hutton back to replace Anderson.

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