@Devils du New Jersey

Vous vous ennuyez alors faites ça, des pensées?

Vous vous ennuyez alors faites ça, des pensées?



  1. Hitman5286

    I miss them already. 😭 Awesome job btw!

  2. danamerr

    Jack lost his front tooth and the legs in that war

  3. xxfatpigxx

    From a creative critique standpoint I think it’s a cool concept. Feels really graphic and collage-esque in a way. The player cutouts are pretty good too. Some small areas that could be cleaned up but nothing that distracts me from the overall composition.

    One thing that would help is treating those bottoms edges of the player photos with some way to make that cropped side feel more intentional. Like trying to hide them behind other player photos or graphic elements, fading them out or even adjusting some of your white/red drop shadow effects on it to lean into the cutout collage concept more so it feels like that’s a part of the aesthetic you’re going for.

    Lol This is probably overkill for just one sports graphic but its late and this stuff used to be my job so it’s fun to look at these with a designer’s eye.

  4. scarlet_stormTrooper

    Need Merc Dawg up there

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