@Avalanche du Colorado

Gagner dans les séries éliminatoires de la LNH n’est pas facile..

L’an dernier, les Oilers ont percé après des années de déception. Cela faisait 7 ans que McDavid n’avait pas pu jouer au-delà du 2e tour. 7 ans et seulement 8 victoires en séries éliminatoires pendant cette période. Mais la saison dernière, les Oilers ont percé. Ils ont battu les rois en 7, les Flames en 5. Ils allaient en finale de Conférence. Qu’est-ce qui leur faisait obstacle ? L’Avalanche du Colorado, qui est arrivée et les a balayés de manière déchirante alors que les Avs les renvoyaient à la maison une fois de plus. McDavid, renversé, a travaillé son jeu et est revenu encore mieux cette année. Le saut entre McDavid et tout le monde est perceptible et est le genre d’écart de talent qui pourrait être comparé à des gens comme Jordan, Messi ou Gretzky et pourtant, hier soir, les Golden Knights de Las Vegas ont battu les Oilers d’Edmonton dans le match 6 de la éliminatoires menées par Jonathan Marchessault qui a réussi un tour du chapeau naturel et a battu les Oilers 5-2, brisant encore une autre année d’espoirs et de rêves pour les fans des Oilers. Donc, avec McDavid qui entame sa 9e année la saison prochaine, malgré toutes les réalisations individuelles, une saison record et 20 points en 12 matchs éliminatoires, la question est… Est-ce que tout cela a de l’importance sans la coupe Stanley? #hockey #nhl #highlights #nhlplayoffs #edmontonoilers #connormcdavid #vegasgoldenknights


  1. Tried something new on this video! Let me know if you hate it or would possibly like to see this kind of content in the off season

  2. what a silly take. mcdavid is still young, talking about him going his career without a cup is a bit asinine.

  3. An interesting mix of comments here. Lots of blame being thrown around. I think I agree with the people who said that Edmonton’s strategy should be more defensive overall, but I also think the players on the team are mostly correct. Nurse gets a lot of hate because of his contract, but I think that Edmonton actually has most of the pieces. If you compare them to themselves two or three years ago, they would kick the crap out of that team.

  4. Can we stop the "Edmonton was the hottest team out of the all star break" bullshit narrative? The Knights had nearly the same record, just 1 less regulation loss.

  5. Of course it does!! Hours upon hours of hockey entertainment and getting to watch this absolute wizard on the ice. These guys should hold their head high, they played one heck of a season and I'm glad I got to witness it. These guys have nothing to be ashamed of.

  6. I am starting to feel like McDavid will end up being a Ray Bourque situation. At the end of his career, he'll go somewhere else and light it up to win a Cup.

  7. Over the course of 6 years, the Oilers picked #1 overall four times. During that same spread, their average top pick was #2.33. Here is a rundown of some other teams over their best 6-year spans.

    2.33 Edmonton Oilers (2010 to 2015)

    3.17 Quebec Nordiques (1987 to 1992)

    3.33 Ottawa Senators (1992 to 1997)

    4.67 Buffalo Sabres (2014 to 2019)

    5.17 Pittsburgh Penguins (2002 to 2007)

    5.33 New Jersey Devils (2017 to 2022)

    6.50 Chicago Blackhawks (2003 to 2008)

    7.17 Florida Panthers (2010 to 2015)

  8. I have high hopes for the Oilers next year, if they can tidy their defense (it was pretty sharp early in the playoffs but went downhill fast) and find more consistent goaltending with Campbell and Skinner I see them going far

  9. The fact that Jay didn’t start Soup in this series was the biggest mistake.. Skinner was rattled and Vegas jumped all over that, also with excellent defence, shutting down Drai was definitely a smart move

  10. they played last year in the conference finals but lost to Colorado though, so technically they did passed the 2nd round… they need to bring more depth on the blue line and a good goalie !

  11. Of course it does. McDavid is clearly the best player in the league. We gonna hold no cup against him cause he’s on a bum ass team? Makes no sense.

    Look at Dominik Hasek, was the best goalie in the league by a mile, constantly dragging bad Sabres teams deep into the playoffs, but never won a cup with them. Fortunately for him, the first year he went to Detroit, he won a cup. If he never went to Detroit, would have held the lack of a cup against him? That would be stupid. The guy was clearly the best. It takes a great TEAM to win championships, and the Oilers would be bad without McDavid.

  12. We all hope the same for Bedard. May he be traded or rot to waste in the shithole that is Chicago.

  13. 🤣🤣🤣 all the Oilers talk, is simply out of jealousy. The Oilers will be just fine 😉

  14. I think he will win it but with his next team in 3-4 years.

  15. Nah. You have no excuse to not make deep runs when you have the best player, arguably the two best, on your team. This goes double when you play in the west, where the competition is substantially worse come playoff time.

  16. Can I give props to the comments on this video? Because I'm a grieving Oilers fan today and this really helped me feel better <3 You guys rule 🙂

  17. If you never win the Stanley Cup throughout you’re nhl career your personal rewards should be taken away

  18. Something, something… Alex Pietrangelo thug, something… Vegas Golden Refs. Oh, and Evander Kane is worthy of the Noble Peace Prize and sainthood.

  19. Goalie sucked ass and the players that were good in the regular season did less then nothing in the playoffs. Hopkins Hyman and Kane were no where to be found. Actually Kane was noticable in the penalty box. Kane is good at running his mouth but forgets how to play hockey

  20. Skinner blew the series for the Oilers. Campbell should’ve started the last two games, but how could we trust him? Other than that, our top 6 wingers didn’t perform, aswell as our bottom 6. Our bottom 6 has zero talent, they’re main use for the team is giving Mcdavid and Draisaitl a breather

  21. Everyone judges players based on team success, but winning the Cup is mostly about being lucky enough to be on a great team. Champs like Mack and Kucherov got knocked out in the first round this year because their supporting cast wasn't as good as in their Cup years. Not even Gretzky & Lemieux won the Cup without being surrounded by a bunch of other HOF talent. Depth is king in the NHL and with 32 teams and a salary cap it is harder than ever.

  22. If oilers smarten up and deal with defense and goalie problems they actually might make it further. They are going in the right direction with Ekholm now figure out goalies

  23. Nope, McDougal needs to leave the oilers, they're killing him but who the actual hell can afford his salary? Unless he gonna request a massive team friendly deal to keep him there (MacKinnon) he just not gonna be available to go anywhere else, time is ticking Conner nows the the time to have that talk with ya management

  24. Connor could go down in history as the greatest player in history that never had his name on the highest shrine. Teams win cups, great players win trophies.

  25. Oilers should have started with Campbell. You should never play a goalie (Skinner) out of some weird personal loyalty to them. You should always play the goalie who's been performing well in the recent to mid-range past. Skinner's been under a lot of pressure, is still a new goalie, and had been pulled three times during these playoffs before game 6. They should have started with Campbell in game 6 who was performing better in these playoffs — I've had this sense since game 5. Isn't that the whole point of having two good goalies? Bad coaching…

  26. I know Woodcroft has done some good for the team, but his recurring bad goalie decisions where he doesn’t know when to use the back-up goalie, overplaying the number one goalie (Smith against the Aves last year, Skinner this year), means he should resign. This team deserves better coaching.

  27. Maybe this is karma. As a Sabres fan I’ll be salty about McDavid until my death. And I, unlike Oilers fans, have never seen my team win a cup. And I was at No Goal. I hope that Edmonton never wins a cup. Four in six is just BS.

  28. Yeah yeah I all know the thing. The oilers will never win we know. As an Oilers fan I know this. And as an Edmontonian I know this. As well.

  29. The thing with todays game… you can put 153 points up, that will not translate to the post season. Every single team will have spent hours upon hours watching your footage specifically, everyone knows exactly what to expect.

  30. Especially when the referees are against you. The Oilers got screwed by the refs many times. Their playoff run was shorter than it should be. Thanks referees and Gary Bettman.

    Some blame is also on Jay Woodcroft, for not switching to Jack Campbell when he should’ve.

    Skinner -> .883 Sv%, 3.68 GAA
    Campbell -> .961 Sv%, 1.01 GAA

  31. the oilers don’t deserve drai and mcd in their prime. let them go back when they’re at the end of their careers lol

  32. It's my favorite trophy of any sport and actually hockey is the only sport that I watch now.
    Steelers kneel…. They made Villanueva apologize.
    The Pirates baseball team doesn't pay state taxes but our state taxes built their stadium. Address is in Delaware they skip out on 50 million dollars a year of state taxes.

    Sorry about that back to the hockey world:
    The Stanley Cup is the hardest trophy to win in all Sports.
    My pick is Florida Panthers.
    Because they beat the best team in hockey the Presidents Trophy Bruins then they beat one of the best teams the Maple Leafs.
    Very few Presidents Trophy teams win the Stanley Cup.
    Thanks for your video I like your voice and your insight.

  33. The goalie tandem of Skinner and Campbell was going to be their downfall this year. Holland failed the Oilers by not seeing this and not addressing it at the trade deadline. If the oilers had either Mike Smith or Miko Koskinen this playoffs, they would beat Vegas EASILY. Skinner was the reason the oil lost to Vegas because he channeled his inner Jacob Markstrom

  34. It’s the hardest trophy to win, hardest sport to play and has the most activity going on during the game and yet it still doesn’t get the respect it should.

  35. gotta pay to win thats for sure, canadian teams dont make them nuff money. refs win again.

  36. nugge not good enough. yammamoto not good enough hyman not good enough. need depth

  37. Last year was a fluke making it to the semifinals, they got lucky facing a shit team in the kings and an even worse team in the flames with no good goaltending, then they face an actual challenge and get swept. They need to get a good goaltender and dmen

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