@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Sheldon Keefe | Disponibilité média fin de saison | 15 mai 2023

L’entraîneur-chef Sheldon Keefe s’entretient avec les médias alors que la saison 2022-23 des Maple Leafs tire à sa fin. ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https://twitter.com /MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever #TorontoMapleLeafs


  1. It sure looked like Sheldon was out coached in each series, but think about it. How on earth do you decide when and who to throw out there when your options are nearly three lines of dudes who are terrified to check or be checked?
    Not sure if this is square on his shoulders.

  2. If only the NHL referees didn't rob the Leaf's of a goal ? The team is not to blame the league itself is. Even with the help of VR, they still can't get it right.
    The whole team and all its staff did what they had to do and mounted a comeback. They were robbed of that . 0_o

  3. It was incredibly embarrassing to see him call out the stars for a lack of effert early in the season and then backpeddle in the media to smooth over some hurt feelings…

    A Coach must be able to hold his ground, call his players out for unacceptable performances & enforce accountability. At that poi t it became clear to me that 34 & 16 were in charge of this team. If they're not willing to accept constructive criticism from their head coach then you need to find a coach that is respected. Keefe is too much of a nice guy & coddles 34 & 16 way too much

  4. I hope we don’t lose 34 16 88. Team play looked disorganized, not enough passing lanes, break outs with no forward support, rim arounds to nobody they were chasing rim arounds instead of rim arounds coming to them. The boys didn’t look like they knew what to do. Too much holl kerfoot. He rode the worst dman we have.

  5. every team world class goaltending last 7 years minus one series this year tampa. we cant score because our core is too soft and kept to the outside. afraid to hit, take a hit. soft.

  6. i like sheldon but dubas him and the core are too much buddies; that is a huge problem.

  7. They head a leader on the team
    Goal tender issue
    Players to hit the road
    Matthew's YES Matthews

  8. These questions are almost vomit inducing. I give Sheldon credit for not standing up and going Torts on everybody.

  9. Keefe is very smart. Very well-spoken. Very creative. But I still think he's not right for these guys. They need fight. They need a coach willing to sit Marner or Matthews, or whatever star replaces them.

  10. If you can get a better coach do it, if not, no reason to make change just to “make change”

  11. I’m a firm believer that the coach is not the issue , it’s truthfully how I feel and I played ohl

  12. Give the whole team another go…another tough Dman would help…and with each of the other having grown from this season, they'll be in a better position next year.

  13. A good team, not great yet….some positives to take from this year for sure…lots……..but the core did not get it done, again……did not score when needed……mmm…..close but need to be better….win or learn guys…..go leafs go….hope Dubas and Keefe stay….passion is good…..they have done a good job every year…….real close guys….

  14. I think Sheldon has a lot to learn about adapting to changing strategies. I also think he was handed a team of spoiled brats that don't enjoy the competitive nature of playoff hockey. Hard to say he's the sole issue here, but I think a veteran coach could see better success whipping this team into shape.

  15. Why can’t anyone in the leafs organization actually acknowledge and get mad about this constant chronic failure. This belief in our group shit needs to stop

  16. The notion of blowing it all up every time a team looses is absurd. It takes time to have the team gel, you certainly add missing pieces, but blowing it up means another 10 years of rebuild. Are the fans up for it? This team is close and needs better spare parts.

  17. Kyle has shown the ability to adapt and should be brought back, not like Punch Imlach or Lou Lamoriello whose motto was my way or highway.

  18. Logan Stanley wants out of Winnipeg and Toronto should try to get him. Left hand with a height of 6'-7"

  19. Small potato's but why didn't they use Conor Timmins? Would've been more affective than Holl, Lilli, gustavsson… I think using a smart puck moving D-man, who also puts up points in Timmins against Florida would've been a no brainer

  20. Out of curiosity, was the off season plan for any of the core players to grow a pair?

  21. At least he shows some emotion about losing. More than can be said about the player interviews. I was surprised no core players were really peeved off with losing.

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