@Panthers de la Floride

Leafs vs Panthers Round 2 Game 5 (Saison terminée…) (12 mai 2023)

Après avoir remporté leur 1ère série depuis 2004, les Leafs se font éliminer par les Panthers de la Floride en 5 matchs perdant ce soir 3-2 en prolongation !! Merci beaucoup à tous pour votre soutien tout au long de la saison et des séries éliminatoires et j’espère que vous resterez tous pour la saison des Blue Jays !!! Je ne possède pas les séquences de jeu utilisées dans cette vidéo. Toutes les séquences de matchs sont la propriété de la LNH. Il est utilisé uniquement à des fins de divertissement. Suivez la page Tik Tok !! https://www.tiktok.com/@t.osportstalk Découvrez le NOUVEAU chat Discord !! https://discord.gg/KcnFGCZN7Q Suivez-moi sur Twitter ! https://twitter.com/_TOSportsTalk Suivez-moi sur Instagram ! https://www.instagram.com/t.osportstalk/ Montrez-moi un peu d’amour et appuyez sur ces boutons J’aime et S’abonner ! 🙂


  1. Thanks for all the videos,…… the Leafs need to do some changes,…….. this “ Shanaplan” is a bust!!!!
    Be interesting to see what this team will look like come puck drop in the fall……….🫣
    Too much money going out the door and not enough pucks coming in!!!!!👀🙄🥱😴

  2. Marner has to go. Same with Holl, LikJergeen, and Murray. Keefe and Dubas prob gettin fired.

    I want to be an Oilers fan now. Maybe a habs fan. Any canadian team just bring it to Canada or get Bettman out of here.

  3. Now will the leafs brass finally start the rebuild thats 3 years to late. This die hard Leafs fan since 87 cant wait till the major changes to come. Which ever of the core gets shipped out, minimum 2 of them have to go. Good F ing redince.



    The sadist part of all of this, i remember a Hockey Magazine cover when Matthews was drafted. It had Marner, Nylander, and Matthews on the cover. The headline states something like this.


    Thats the gut punch. This core was developed and progressed very very poorly. To much was given to them and treated like royalty before they earned it.


    A new one beginning, bad or good. A few more years if not a decade for the leafs being a serious contender again.

    But life goes on. Its just a team and a game we all love. I will always bleed Blue.

  4. Being a “pure hockey fan” who played hockey yourself as did I for 44 years of my life as a female has nothing to do, respectfully with the in-going 55+ years of futility I personally have witnessed from this team since their 1967 win.

    How many of us in our 60’s and older – super long suffering fans – are you young people (no disrespect intended) going to ignore our much deeper pain with this team?

    And I do fully acknowledge that there are generations younger than me and you’ve never seen or experienced the previous Glory of the pre-expansion Maple Leafs.

    Perhaps not too many my age care anymore. I’m really about over it but watch still with the same false hope every spring expecting to see what we always see.

    Fire all current management – trade Matthews, Tavares at minimum from the toxic “core 4”

  5. I’m not going to congratulate Florida. They played cheap, they got ahold with some bad hits, a major that was gifted to them as a minor, the goalie scooped out the puck and it was called no goal, Goonis holding the stick at the end so we couldn’t defend that lead to the goal. Florida is a cheat and I hope karma catches up with them. They don’t deserve to win. They are a pathetic excuse of a team

  6. Man, the Leafs won a game in the second round. The best Leafs team in over 20 years. The Leafs could not score more than 2 goals in the past 7 games. Matthews went MIA in the second round. The core four did not appear when it counts. It is time for a rebuild. Fire Dubas and Keffe.

  7. Florida looked good at times, and bad at others, but played 60 minutes for all five games. The Leafs played 60 minutes for the last two elimination games and the result was predictable.

  8. THANK YOU FROM A PANTHER FAN! You’re a class act! We always have good games and fans from Canada at our games down here.

  9. I find it hard to believe that the Leafs will ever win a Stanley Cup although I do believe that if it is mean't to happen, it will happen. I've been a Leaf fan for more than 30 years. I don't let the losses disappoint me anymore. I take the games as fun only and no more getting my hopes up.

  10. Anyone that says the core need to stay IS NOT a Leafs fan! Sorry, this team needs to be dismantled by another GM with TOTAL control over player movement, The Leafs have this "By Committee" thing going on and apparently no one is responsible. The team needs to be torn down to the wood and re-build, the team AND organization are way to soft! Not only on the ice, but off the ice as well. Mike Babcock tried to tell the higher ups about the lack of character and accountability on this team and he was subsequently ran out of town on a rail!!

  11. the core sucked all playoffs long.. I'm going to be real honest, the Leafs don't make it past Tampa without O'Reilly, Schenn, and Noel. And that is a fact.

  12. Turn out the lights, the party’s over, they say that all good things must end, call it a night, and tomorrow starts the same old things again. Leafs Theme Song 🍁☠️🍁

  13. If they trade Matthews we can end up taking a step back and missing the playoffs then it will be more bad and worse then not making out of the 1st or 2nd rd.

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