@Panthers de la Floride

Juste vérifier l’ennemi quand…

Juste vérifier l’ennemi quand…



  1. Rapebad

    The best part is them buddying up w Boston fans when they have ratfuck, Hathfuck, and Bertfuck. This is how we felt about Tampa and Boston though(Pasta whiplash to go up a goal in gm 7) so I get it but it’s nice being on the winning end for once.

  2. busydoinnothin

    Pretty impressive for u/hhhhbkaew to be packing their stuff in the leafs locker room and posting on reddit at the same time.

  3. OxfordCommaRule

    Posts like that make me realize how irrational my salt was last year following Tampa Bay’s sweep of the Cats. While I never posted anything that stupid, I did bitch and moan about the Lightning’s dirtiness.

  4. Melim55

    “Taking advantage of every opportunity they are given”, sir maybe that’s why your team was eliminated

  5. -Principal-Vagina-

    I love how this salty leafs fan acts like this warning/message to the canes fans on reddit will impact the series.

    « dont take the cats lightly » lmao

  6. BaronVonKeyser

    I like how this dipshit basically gets eviscerated in the comments. Only a few were welcoming.

  7. doyouunderstandlife

    Leafs fans really having a meltdown after losing to us.

  8. DeyCallMeTimmy2shoes

    The entire Leafs sub is STILL melting down. One of the top posts right now is overhauling the entire referee system , y’know because that’s the real reason they lost … for the past 7 years 😂

  9. Mindless-Ad9757

    Get over it. Your season is over.

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