@Sabres de Buffalo

Des jours meilleurs : Bilan de l’année 2006-2007 des Sabres de Buffalo

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  1. This generation will never know how good these guys were and how much fun these games were to watch

  2. What a time to be alive. I hope better days are ahead for this franchise, we deserve it.

  3. Should have stayed in Buffalo Chris Drury how did New York City turn out for you? How was it being a New York Ranger? You wanted the spotlight you wanted to live in New York City because you were so called lifelong Yankees fan but here in Buffalo we worshiped you we gave you as much money as New York to thought you were going to be some kind of fucking star? Did you think you were going to notice you and ask you for an autograph on Madison Avenue? They don't give a fuk here you were considered a god lead by example real funny

  4. I remember how excited I was when Terry pegula purchase the Buffalo Sabres I thought to myself finally an owner with Deep Pockets we're going to have so many Stanley Cups. Does he even care? I thought the Buffalo Sabres were his Boyhood idols? I remember him crying during the press conference saying how much the Buffalo Sabres meant to him. it's depressing going inside KeyBank Center Arena it's like going to a wake where is the excitement? Rick jeanneret the man who put every ounce of energy into announcing games for over 30 years so deserve the Stanley Cup

  5. I still had my ST’s back then (2006-2007-2011-12).

    I think I missed ONE game that entire 2006-2007 season and it was Game 2 vs. the Rangers (Vanek GWG) if I remember correctly, I sold my game ticket to a buddy because I had to work that night…GREAT SEASON, GREAT GAMES, GREAT MEMORIES! 💙🔥💛

  6. Ah great times. 05-07 was the most fun I've ever had watching hockey. 97-00 was great too but these years were bonkers. Rip emery. He was loving it. Dude could throw em. 06-07 was awesome but for me 05-06 was their real chance. No disrespect to Edmonton but no doubt buffalo destroys them in a final. Drury wanted out but if they kept briere and even Campbell and added someone in place of drury they could have had maybe 2-3 more chances.

  7. Such an incredible time to be a fan. Hope this young team we have now can bring us back times like this!

  8. That crew was incredible I'm positive if we're together 1 more season they would have brought the cup to Buffalo it's a shame it didn't happen

  9. They didn’t even talk about Zubrus. That tells you they know they made the wrong move. Typical Buffalo. But don’t worry fans, more incorrect moves are coming!! 😂

  10. If only the Sabres had kept the Goathead logo for the 06-07 season, they would have broken the President's Trophy curse, the Stanley Cup, and the Jack Adams Trophy. Then it would have been a lucky Goathead to attain the trifecta. The Buffaslug represented the beginning and end.

  11. Tom Golisano should go down as the worst possible owner this franchise has ever had. Due to him being cheap they lost probably 2 of the best players to have ever played for this team. Briere and Drury were the heart and soul of this franchise and that POS refused to pay them. Add Darcy dumb arse also. The franchise has been cursed ever since.

  12. It's very obvious this was the championship video in the making, otherwise it wouldn't have just stopped after Game 5 of the Rangers series.

    It's like they had it mostly done up to the start of the ECF, figured 'eh, we'll finish it after the finals', and once they lost, never bothered to give it an ending.

    I'd guess that management figured since all the work got put in, they'd still sell the unfinished DVD. (I still have my copy, of course.)

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