@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Déclaration des Coyotes – réaffirme leur engagement envers la vallée et confirme qu’ils seront là pour la saison prochaine

Déclaration des Coyotes – réaffirme leur engagement envers la vallée et confirme qu’ils seront là pour la saison prochaine



  1. lululandia

    While I’m glad they’re putting this out there, I’m not sure how much I trust anything right now.

  2. AngelOfPassion

    This is all I really need. They haven’t given up or run out of options and are making an official statement.

    The way they took no questions last night and just sulked out was what really got to me and made me question what other options were there or not there for the team.

    Obviously I am still really disappointed and I feel like the Tempe location was absolutely the best spot they could have ended up. Settling for a 2nd or 3rd best spot might still work.

  3. SurvivingAsAYote

    r/hockey won’t like this lol. But seriously, this is great news. I’m pretty sure everyone felt left In the dark after the announcement following the election. Yotes don’t give up!

  4. CoyotesAreOkay

    This is much better than the two statements released from the Coyotes and the NHL last night. At least the NHL statement mentioned looking at « options » with the Coyotes. I’m happy to see this, but it’s gotta get done.

  5. bschmidt25

    I’m cautiously optimistic.

  6. neepster44

    Time to talk to the Gila Reservation….

  7. catfishman85

    I just hope they stay just close enough to Tempe that all these ancient fucks and sissies who voted no have to deal with the fact that in the end all they did was miss out on any benefit.

  8. wtfdotdotdot

    Shoot that fuckin hopium in my veins

  9. cl0udmaster

    Panthers fan here – great news and we’re all pulling for our awoo bros

  10. noblazinjusthazin

    Please let my desert dogs stay

  11. AARM2000

    Blackhawks fan here. Hope everything works out. What has happened to the franchise is really unfair to the fans, players, etc. Good things are hopefully coming!!

  12. steakkitty

    Stars fan here with a question. What’s the longest the coyotes have planned to stay in Mullett? Obviously building an arena will take longer than a year so curious what other options they have in the short term.

  13. Please don’t view this as a slight against anyone who wants to remain positive, but I don’t believe a single word out of the mouth of any person associated with this organisation. Not that even if you do (somehow) still consider the organisation and owners trustworthy (again…how you can manage this after what just happened is beyond me) what happens next may well not even be their call. If I were the league, I’d swing the axe and I’d do it quickly and definitively.

    No competent organisation under the sun would sanely go into a 55/45 (even favourable) referenda without a real and activatable plan B and the fact that they weren’t ready for this outcome should tell the league everything they need to know about this ownership groups competence and capacity to do anything other than sink this ship faster.

    I fully expect the NHL to put these dribbling buffoons out of their misery, and as dedicated and sorely let down fans, despite it being the last thing we want, I don’t think we should blame them.

    Downvote away.

  14. killer_knauer

    Why do people (mainly Canadians it seems) feel so compelled to shit on this team? Maybe shit on CHI for gaming the draft lottery? If the Yotes are such a pathetic organization, then what does that say for all of the teams that placed under them? IMO, Toronto and Edmonton are some of the biggest embarrassments… they both have been gifted generational talent and still can’t do anything in the playoffs. These hypocrites piss me off and I live 2,000 miles from ARI. Sometimes I think this team deserves a better league.

  15. Bigbootydonkey

    Stars fan who lived in Phoenix, I hope this is the start of a plan that works. I loved getting to watch the stars play there and just seeing the fan base being passionate even when the team isn’t doing well.

  16. rustbucky

    Does this letter reference the novel called Beartown when addressing “the pack”? Good book

  17. ZonaVIBE

    Well this is better than what I thought we’d get out of a statement from the Coyotes. Hoping they figure it out. I was a fan of the original Winnipeg Jets before they became the Coyotes. I had a Tkachuk Jets sweater as a kid. My dad is a massive Coyotes fan. I would be pretty bummed out if we lose this franchise. Please figure something out to save this team from relocation.

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