@Devils du New Jersey

[Seravalli] La recherche d’entraîneurs #NHLDucks est passée inaperçue, ce qui est incroyable parce que je crois que le directeur général Pat Verbeek a parlé à environ 468 candidats potentiels. Mais je peux confirmer 3 noms sur la liste : Andrew Brunette (#njdevils ), Spencer Carbery (#Leafs) & Mike Vellucci (#pens).

[Seravalli] La recherche d’entraîneurs #NHLDucks est passée inaperçue, ce qui est incroyable parce que je crois que le directeur général Pat Verbeek a parlé à environ 468 candidats potentiels. Mais je peux confirmer 3 noms sur la liste : Andrew Brunette (#njdevils ), Spencer Carbery (#Leafs) & Mike Vellucci (#pens).



  1. Sauronsindexfinger

    This is a joke right? 468 candidates is a funny?

  2. MountainBean3479

    Are we entirely sure the ducks front office isn’t just secretly the staging ground for season 2 of the rehearsal? Nathan fielder had really good grades from one of Canada’s top business schools – who else would you want by your side as you meticulously prepare for every possible permutation of how to have the conversation with your actual top choice candidates ?

  3. rain6304

    I personally don’t want to lose Andrew burnette, hope they go with someone else

  4. KovalSNIPE17

    Can’t see Bruno go to Anaheim. The guy probably wants to win, not rebuild

  5. sanbaba

    Devils West becomes even Devilsier?

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