@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Garder Keefe contre passer à autre chose

Dans le sport, la personne à qui revient la responsabilité de la saison décevante d’une équipe est généralement l’entraîneur. Il y a un certain nombre de scénarios qui pourraient se dérouler à Toronto pendant l’intersaison et l’analyste de TSN Hockey, Cheryl Pounder, explique si les Maple Leafs devraient garder Sheldon Keefe ou passer à autre chose.


  1. He got completely out coached in both series.

    Tampa played extremely poorly and they still only lost in 6.

    Florida completely exposed our coaching deficiencies.

  2. Would any other coach have got the core 4 to perform against Florida??? I doubt it!

  3. It's true Keefe is the first Maple Leafs coach to lead the team past the first round. However, it isn't as if the Leafs deserved that victory. Against Tampa, they won the series but Tampa was the better team in each game except game 2, so I don't think Keefe nor the players can consider that victory as a sign they are getting better. In the 2nd round, the Leafs never solved Florida's tight checking. To me, all of that is on the coach. Even in the regular season, the Leafs often fell flat on their faces whenever they played with a bottom end team. Somehow they could never find a way to do anything more than mail it in. And that's on the coach too.

    Keefe has brought this team to the highest level he can lead them; it's time for someone else to pick it up from there.

  4. How about he didn't make O'Reilly one of the core players during the playoffs!! We knew this core doesn't have it. We got Factor to make the difference, and he plays him in a 3rd line defensive role like Kamf! He is Ryan O'Reilly! Make him first line centre game 2 in Florida until Matthews shows he has the grit to get it done!!

  5. Nope. You're not allowed to make an assessment of Keefe one way or the other. He spoke his mind honestly about the team early in the season and was publicly flogged. How can you coach when you're afraid of your own players? Bring in anyone, it won't matter, the prima donnas run the asylum.

  6. The missing ingredient is belligerence. That was not Keefe’s job to supply. If that is not addressed, no matter who the coach is, nothing will change. Don’t forget, Paul Maurice onc coached the Maple Leafs. He had the same problem. Every Toronto coach has it. Kneis was brought in to solve that problem. He was ambushed. Another part of the problem is the team OWNERSHIP. The Leafs won the last game fair and square and were robbed by the officials AND the league itself. The only element capable of dealing with that are the teams owners. If they are not willing to stand up and do battle with the league, the Leafs will always be robbed at the last minute. It happens over and over. There must be a script it happens so regularly.

  7. All three of last year's Jack Adam finalist were let go this year. It doesn't matter that they won one round, the team needs a change and he's not a playoff coach.

  8. At the very least fire Sheldon Keefe who has proven that he’s at best an AHL coach who has been out-coached by John Tortarella, Dominique Ducharme, Jon Cooper, and Paul Maurice in the playoffs.

  9. Can Keefe learn? He is a great coach but has been out-coached in the playoffs, but he can learn, and this entire crew (as Don Cherry said) needs one more kick at the can. Simmons needs to be played more; his toughness will bolster all on the ice.

  10. With this group that he has he shouldn't be out coached in every series he's been in

  11. We have a dilemma with Keefe; he's enabled his top players to play only in their comfort zone. He tried calling them out and had to apologize thereafter – maybe Dubas told him to say sorry. Doesn't really matter because the 4 core are soft. Another coach will not be able change the core 4's mindset or show them how to play playoff style – they're not stupid, they already know what they should be doing, but they choose not to. These 4 together will not win Toronto a Stanley Cup, doesn't matter who's behind the bench kissing their ass or yelling at them.

  12. Keefe looks like he has no more tricks in his bag. It’s time to move on.

  13. Jason Spezza as GM, and Stressed Dubas as assistant to him. let's have a GM who actually played the game. and everyone keep the job. give it go with one more year for 4 core. bring the cup to home.

  14. keefes a likeable guy but im certain you could put a broomstick behind that bench and theyd still get into the playoffs. hes shown he cannot coach this team hes simply a face and its not all necessarily his fault either as his core players know what they need to do to win playoff hockey but simply choose not too. theyve been in the playoffs enough times to know you have to step up the physical game and dish out and take all the bumps and bruises along the way but (and i know its cliche) are simply too soft. you need men out there and these guys play like the nhl is houseleague hockey. keefe doesnt have control at all and i dont think can gain it at this point as relationships and whatnot have already been established. hes like when we'd get a substitute teacher in school. it was basically a write off of that day when your teacher was absent. he doesnt have the balls or heart to get hard on his players and punish and push them when not playing to expectations. leafs need a kick in the ass as the boys are running the show and with them all being veterans with the years together theyve had ,change will not happen bc the boys will never take discipline serious and any hardass coach will have the core guys say fuck it and fuck this guy if it were to happen as they've become quite comfortable doing what they do. its unfortunate but just how it is. too little too late. he worries more about keeping his players happy and going along with their personal requests which is ridiculous. i like sheldon but hes lost all control if he ever had any and this mindset amongst the team will not change especially with him as the coach. too bad but is what it is. all the best sheldon but good bye. and to the leafs shame on yourselves for still acting like children and not taking things seriously. yes toronto is a tough market but playing and acting this way when you are at a professional level is ridiculous. bad bounces and luck happen sure but theres a difference in playing hard and losing(tough losses) and losing because you gave up and didn't give your all. leafs dont win convincingly or dominate consistently ever and its gotten old. why not be a team thats feared. we always here "oh shit we may get boston, oh shit its gonna be Tampa" etc, when will it ever be other teams fearing us? things need to seriously change for this organization.

  15. I don't understand why there's even a conversation; he's been unquestionably out-coached in every one of his playoff series and has grossly underperformed relative to the roster he's given time and again. It's beyond obvious to me, the only thing he has going for him is he's Dubas' friend.

  16. How much does changing the coach help this team?
    Look at all the coaches this franchise has failed with over the last two decades.
    I personally don't think a coach changes the issues the team has on the ice.
    Like.. they spend 80+ games being one of the best teams in the league.
    And then they just aren't..?
    As soon as the playoffs start, they just fall short like that 3D Simpsons episode where Homer tries to jump to Bart.

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