@Canadiens de Montréal

Tkachuk termine le match 1 dans la QUATRIÈME PROLONGATION !

Dans les dernières secondes de la 4e prolongation, l’attaquant des Panthers Matthew Tkachuk frappe un poignet méchant pour donner la victoire 3-2 à la Floride dans le match 1


  1. Toronto fans must feel really dumb right now getting rid of Andersen. Always blame the goalie for your issues! This man is legit.

  2. Could have all been avoided by not calling that goal back 3 hours prior, it should have been a good goal.

  3. This is simultaneously going to be one of the best and least watched series of the playoffs

  4. God I really really hate that you upload videos with titles like this. I couldn't watch the game live, so I come onto youtube to watch the game highlights and bam, first video in my recommended is this and it's ruined the score for me.

  5. So kind of the NHL to let us have Game 1, 2 & some of 3 all in the same game!

  6. The Lighning-Fans shall slowely start to ask themselves how they can mock the Cats-Fans if they really take Stanley-Cup to Sunrise. "Poverty-Franchise" wouldn´t work in that case anymore

  7. It reminds me more and more going deeper into the post season the unforgetable year of the rat…………………..go cats !!!

  8. and someone says these epics should be replaced with the 3vs3 jokes. yea in regular season i understand not everyone wants to sit in the hall all weekend but in playoffs its woah

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