@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Joel Quenneville comme prochain entraîneur-chef de CBJ?

[Joel Quennville to talk to Bettman ](https://theathletic.com/4534671/2023/05/19/nhl-gary-bettman-joel-quenneville/)[after the playoffs](https://theathletic.com/4534671/2023/05/19/nhl-gary-bettman-joel-quenneville/) [about reinstatement, according to Porty.](https://theathletic.com/4534671/2023/05/19/nhl-gary-bettman-joel-quenneville/)

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  1. words_of_nerd

    I do not want anyone involved with the Chicago scandal to be a part of this organization. Full stop.

  2. SomeKindOfMonster

    absolute hard pass, just like when he knew about Kyle Beach and hard passed on doing anything about it.

  3. I_Smell_Like_Farts

    I mean, if we’re gonna nuke the whole org. Let’s do it.

    I’m all for JD and Jarmo hiring him if it means we clean house afterwards. Having that monster anywhere near our team should end the entire FO’s career.

  4. cu_sith

    That piece of shit covered up a player’s sexual assault for a *decade* and hasn’t expressed any sort of remorse for it, not even through a « lawyer’s involved, can’t say anything of substance » lens.

    Someone like that clearly doesn’t care about the people around him and equally clearly doesn’t belong anywhere near an NHL organization ever again. Hell naw.

  5. Articmnokey

    I trust who the FO picks. Lars was a reach. A mistake they won’t be willing to repeat I’m sure

  6. ScoPham

    Hes the absolute root of the cancer that is the NHL ‘boys club’ which Jarmo has kinda proven he’s stayed away from

  7. gumby-and-pokey

    I don’t think I even need to post why lol

  8. PulsarGaming1080

    I would rather have Larsen back

  9. RedditShhhmeddit

    Hell no! I don’t have if we go 82-0. Fuck him!

    Edit: ~~have~~ care

  10. omcclosk1447

    Fuck this guy, he doesn’t deserve another chance.

  11. deepthroathamburger

    Id rather have Babcock. At least he’s under a microscope if he gets hired, so he’s probably going to tone down the abuse. All the shit he did was out in the open.

    So yes, given the option between giant douche and turd sandwich, I pick giant douche.

  12. ArchipelagoMind

    Here is the one answer where I stop supporting the team immediately. Anyone else and I’ll stick by. But no. Not him.

  13. casperthegoth

    Here’s why…. he should have a lifetime ban from coaching for his part of the cover up. If he wants to lace up and take some hits, though…

  14. dwlarkin

    Absolutely not. Fuck no. Fire him into the sun ASAP. Get that scumbag the hell away from anything I love

  15. NotMittRomney

    man, fuck this question and anyone seriously asking it

    and fuck joel quenneville

  16. 1oh_io3

    For the love of god no. I’ve already had to put the Browns in timeout for recent acquisitions don’t make me do the same to the Jackets.

  17. sergei-boobtitsky

    Fuck that guy forever. Keep him away

  18. I was an Islander fan long before the CBJ existed. I’d be more than happy to go back.

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