@Red Wings de Détroit

C’est le jeu de hockey le plus sale que j’ai vu depuis un moment.

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs Dans un match entre le Canada contre la Suisse au Championnat mondial de hockey sur glace de l’IIHF. Le centre des Red Wings de Detroit, Joe Veleno, a tenté de piétiner la jambe de Nino Niederreiter. Niederreiter était d’accord, mais cela soulève la discussion entourant le fait de laisser tomber les gants au hockey et comment cela crée de la saleté


  1. First of all that sad case Bettman vs Toronto and now this humilating loss. Canadians must suffer like animals right now :-(¨I feel sorry for them tbh. Watching Veleno doing things like that I understand why Czechs call Canadian players brainless Bruisers and deservedly so

  2. Canada should make a statement and send him home before IIHF does anything. Disgraceful behaviour!

  3. Executing such lethal stuff in a national dress should come out as an expensive experience. With Rasmussen and Kasper stepping up Veleno should be done in Mo Town soon anyway

  4. It was on his shin pad. Way different than the back of the leg where there's no protection.

  5. This intent to injure should allow the other player to sue for a lot of money.

  6. So many dirty plays over the year, the most recent being the stick slash from AP on LD. If it is deemed a non-hockey play with intent to injure then a massive fine beyond 5k and suspensions beyond a game must take place. Make the guy sit a whole year. Idk what other leagues do for infractions of this nature but I don’t want to see any player go down due to something so egotistically driven as an intent to injure. No one benefits when the league has to remove a star from the game due to a lack of control and on the other side, due to a major injury caused by a lack of control. EVERYONE down to the fans and all the way up to the top of the league takes a hit. Imagine no Pasta or Mcjesus or Aho (the other one) because someone cut them with their skate intentionally…

  7. He should be banned from the game. Using the skate as a weapon is so fucking disgusting I’ve never even heard of it before.

  8. If Nino was seriously injured I would totally file an assault charge. Hockey isn’t an excuse for this behaviour.

  9. So the IIHF decided to turn the hockey WC into a soccer tournament by removing the possibility to fight?

  10. You don't need fighters to stop this. All you need are referees who know what they are doing, video examinations and proper penalties. These are supposed to be grown up athletes playing a professional sport, not 13-year old kids fighting during a recess.

  11. McSorley tomahawk beats this. Along with Bertuzzi on Moore.

    But holy shit, Toss this guy from the tournament

  12. Same thing Chris Simon on Jarko Ruutu,never seen this since (no need to either!)

  13. Just terrible. I hope he's out for the tourney. As a Red Wings fan, watching him this year he seems to have a tendency to have brain farts too often. This is beyond what one might call a brain fart.

    And then he took a dive.

  14. Not really the subject, BUT I'm very excited to watch more of super draft prospect Adam FANTILLI and his gameplay in the 2023 World Championships.
    To bad Connor Bedard could not be part, but he is still young and will have plenty of time to prove himself on big boy's international championship scenes.

  15. This assault would end up in court in some countries regardless IIHF actions. If IIHF found cocaine in his doping test he would be suspended for 4 years, this didn’t even render 2 min in the penalty box.

  16. Funny how they say fighting prevents things like this from happening yet things like this happen all the time regardless

  17. Dirtiest ever? Let me make sure I get the names right….

    Slovakia's Anna Džurňáková did a Bertuzzi on Bulgaria's Tina Lisichkova in a first-round qualifier for the 2010 Olympics. Why is this the worst?

    1. It was during a stoppage in play. And…
    2. Slovakia was up 82-0 at the time. No, that's not a typo.

  18. Shocked to see this as a Wings fan… not a good look at all

  19. This is classless. I do not want this behavior present on the Wings. There's no place in the game for acts such as this.

    I hope he is suspended and fined for his actions.

  20. I hope Veleno pays the price soon, that stomp was was absolutely disgusting and to dive right after that…smh

  21. Should face punishment from both the IIHF and the NHL as well. Dude’s career is stained because of this as it should be.

  22. Oh man, calling this a "hockey play" in the title is kinda bullshit. This is NOT a hockey play.

  23. 2:38 the dirtiest play I've ever seen is probably Marty McSorley Slashe on Donald Brashear.

  24. Kicking or stomping in hockey should be automatic 1 year ban from playing. It's the single most disgusting act you could possibly make. YOU HAVE KNIFE ATTACHED TO YOUR BOOT AND YOU ARE STOMPING YOUR OPPONENT. What an absolute psycho.

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