@Stars de Dallas

INTÉRESSANTS Dallas Mavericks échangent des rumeurs sur Pascal Siakam et OG Anunoby | Intersaison NBA 2023

Les Mavericks doivent apporter des améliorations importantes cette intersaison s’ils veulent se battre pour le titre NBA, comme le font les Los Angeles Lakers et les Denver Nuggets lors de la finale de la Conférence Ouest 2023. Maintenant que les Mavs sont entrés dans l’intersaison NBA 2023, les rumeurs commerciales des Mavericks ont commencé à se réchauffer ! Des rumeurs d’échange entre Pascal Siakam et OG Anunoby alors que les Raptors de Toronto envisagent de reconstruire ont fait surface, et les Mavs ont été répandus comme des destinations potentielles pour le duo des Raptors. Si le directeur général des Raptors Masai Ujiri et le directeur général des Mavs Nico Harrison parvenaient à un accord sur un accord, les faits saillants de Luka Doncic la saison prochaine seraient un passage éblouissant au nouveau duo. Nous vous avons couvert de toutes les dernières rumeurs et nouvelles des Mavericks dans l’émission d’aujourd’hui : http://www.youtube.com/@mavstv?sub_confirmation=1 les rapports indiquent qu’ils chercheront à utiliser dans un échange avant 2023 NBA Free Agency. Si vous avez besoin de plus de contenu Mavs, SMASH ce bouton d’abonnement : https://www.chatsports.com/dallas-mavericks/ Anonyme NBA GM Sur les dernières rumeurs commerciales des Raptors « Siakam a encore un an sur un contrat de 38 millions de dollars. Même chose avec OG (Anunoby), il reste un an (18,6 millions de dollars) et une option joueur. Je ne sais pas s’ils vont obtenir beaucoup en retour pour ces gars. Je ne sais pas si la valeur est là. Et ils n’ont pas non plus obtenu de valeur pour OG dans cette échéance commerciale. Les rumeurs des non-conformistes ne s’arrêtent pas sur notre page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ChatSportsMavs/ Tim Hardaway Jr. (G), Davis Bertans (F), Reggie Bullock (G / F), Maxi Kleber (F), # 10 choix au total, 2027 1er choix de tour Fire off your Mavs prend Harrison sur Twitter! http://twitter.com/hgrahamnfl Évaluez OG Anunoby en tant que joueur NBA 2K Style ! 1-100 Suivez @ Chat Sports sur les réseaux sociaux pour toutes les dernières nouvelles et rumeurs de la NBA : http://www.youtube.com/@chatsports?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.twitter.com/chatsports https:/ /www.facebook.com/chatsports https://www.instagram.com/chatsports https://www.tiktok.com/@chatsportstv Feriez-vous cet échange ? A pour accepter ou D pour refuser #Mavericks #MavericksRumors #MavericksTradeRumors #CSUS2023 #ad


  1. IF Dallas do this trade then what are they going to give Toronto? Also, I think OG don't want to play with spicy P anymore because at one time. He wanted more of the playing time. Oh well that may or may not happen because Luka will have the ball most of the time.

  2. Draft a young player. Scouts do your job . Find a gem . This is how you build . Watch GSW or Nuggets. Nothingbin the trade is making the Mavs a contender. Find young talent Build through the draft

  3. Pascal siakim is a NBA champion and to have him play second fiddle to Luka doncik is beneath him .no one wants to be traded to Dallas not even Kylrie Irvine fanboys word is bond 💯👎

  4. I think these guys are overrated. If they are as good as people think why . No playoffs am not a fan of either. But for the trade i saw i would do it

  5. Toronto says hell no to that deal ..😅😅😅

    Mavs want two great players for punch of trash and 10 pick which ain’t worth close to any of OG or pascal

  6. There’s no way the Raptors would do this trade, even if we threw in Jaden Hardy. I would jump all over this trade, but I don’t see Toronto accepting this trade proposal at all.

  7. Ur delusional if you think raps accept that. Raps turned down 3 fr just for og at the deadline last year. Plus Portland is shopping the 3rd pick it makes much more sense for raps to chase that rather than giving up two very good players for 2 shit contracts a 10th pick and a late first rounder most likely.

  8. this is a laughable trade suggestion. Funny to watch fans of teams around the league propose one sided trades that favor their team, raptors fans do the same thing

  9. As a raptor hell nooooooo we can get more from portland and Indiana for each of them

  10. suck trade!!! pick taylor hendricks then sign dilon brooks or williams from boston and trade for allen in cavs… thats only dallas need you have powell maxi green holiday and hardy frm bench

  11. There's no way Raptors will agree with that. maybe if you give them 3 first round pick they will say yes. There's no point of rebuilding and trading 2 of your best players just to get one 1st round pick each

  12. Why would the raptors do this total one sided trade? Toronto doesn't want any of Dallas garbage except for Luka.

  13. As a raptors fan, i am dying of laughter 😂😂😂😂😂 the raptors dont do that trade for siakam alone

  14. They can get more just with one of those players lmao delusional level out of this worle

  15. Where do you guys get your information from I'm Mavs fan but this stuff you guys come up with is crazy😅

  16. U guys have nobody we want except Luka and no one is stupid to give him up rite? And we're not stupid to give up PS, OG for your not so-good players and low draft pick. lol Not that PS, OG are same level as Luka but be honest and fair. U can do that trade in video games tho lol

  17. Mavs aren't in the raptors rolodex anymore. Raptors wanted to send us dragic to mentor luka in exchange for boxed set of shark tank season 8. All of a sudden we're building around Dwight Powell, for some reason.
    Don't bother with raptors stuff. They aren't taking our calls.

  18. "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all." *Dale Carnegie

  19. Yeah man I'd totally rather give away those dudes to the Mavs for nothing instead of sending one of them to Portland and getting a 20 year old franchise player in return lol, are you fucking high man?

  20. In no space, time and dimension is Dallas able to bring in this two. What ku ku land are we coming from?
    This is Dallas! They had the 6th highest scorer in the history of the league and all they managed was a single ring in 21y of his career.
    Don't hold your breath on this trade or any kind of other meaningful trade. All Cuban & co. will do is sign some left over free agents, portrait them like some BIG signings and off we go, ride Luka like there is no tomorrow and aim for the bushes 😒

  21. I won't do that trade for Siakam alone let alone with OG included.

  22. Theres no way in hell any team is making a trade for both these players at once but i would be confident we could get OG alone

  23. There's actually nothing Dallas can offer that Toronto would want for either OG or Siakam let alone both of them together.

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