@Oilers d'Edmonton


Faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui séries éliminatoires vegas golden knights vs edmonton oilers faits saillants match 6 ligne de poignée de main draisaitl pietrangelo séries éliminatoires de la lnh 2023 golden knights vs oilers connor mcdavid interview leon draisaitl alex pietrangelo nouvelles de la lnh aujourd’hui faits saillants du hockey séries éliminatoires de la coupe stanley ce soir chevaliers des pétroliers match 6 nouvelles des oilers d’edmonton aujourd’hui leon draisaitl interview d’après-match jay woodcroft nhl playoffs game 6 handshake et aussi game 7 ce soir seront fantastiques. Séries éliminatoires hockey pietragelo mcdavid draisaitl vgk adin hill faits saillants de la lnh 2023 #nhl #highlights #nhlnews


  1. As a VGK fan, I agree with everything you said. He had no reason to be overly friendly. I don't think want he did was wrong or right, just neutral. Dude's season just ended, he has more than 1 reason to be less than happy in that moment.

  2. He still shook his hand. There's been other instances where players have refused to shake someone's hand. Brodeur didn't shake Avery's hand. I'm a Devils fan but I think Marty should have done a quick no look shake similar to this. Dino Ciccarelli shook Claude Lemieux's hand then gave a classic interview response. Draisaitl received a dirty slash I think he did more than some players would have done, which is shake the guy's hand. Hockey can be an emotional game. In my opinion, Draisaitl was not unclassy at all. He did the minimum that was required in terms of etiquette in the handshake line and that is sufficient given the circumstances.

  3. Pietrangelo basically got away with that one. That was a 3 game suspension and he got 1. Together with the one game for Nurse that was just not fair at all.
    Why should Draisaitl be good about that? He shook his hand and that`s even more than you need to do. I have skipped handshakes with guys that i didn`t want to, because i didn`t like what they were doing on the ice.
    Draisaitls series was over with that chop, he wasn`t quiet the same player after that one.
    THe league has a problem now, if i would be EDM, i know what i would do. I would get guys like Matt Cook, and next playoffs they are after Eichels, Pietrangelos and Stones hands – heads.
    If you don`t bring enforcers back, everyone has seen now how to stop a hot superstar.
    Just chop him, sit a game.

  4. I wouldn't have even shook his hand. The biggest most classless thing he did to Draisaitl. Cross checks, hacking, and minor slashes happen all the time in hockey, but to take a stick like weapon and two hand a player where he could have broken his forearm is totally different. He should seek anger management because he's got a screw loose in his head.

  5. Little kids are expected to shake hands with their opponents after games and often do it with no complaints, but grown men cry like little girls lol

  6. Refs let the game, and potentially series get out of control in game 4, knights responded w an escalation, and backed it up via the hague-nurse scrape in the waning moments. Message was loud and clear "if you want to make it this kind of series..we can do that" the oilers backed down. Cheapshots disappeared. The last two games were played and no one was seriously hurt. I would imagine a call from the department of player safety thanking the knights for doing their job would be too much to ask

  7. Oilers my give chance to Carey price and sign him or other options …it's. ….antero…niemi…

  8. He really didn't do nothing wrong he still shuck his hand he didn't just gohst him like I would have

  9. This 'everybody needs to best pals after a game' mentality is so f*cking boring.

  10. The hack was brutal and, clearly, an attempt to injure. I’d ignore the dickhead too. Certainly classier than getting into it in the handshake line. I’d guess that most of the simps calling Draisaitl classless never played competitive hockey.

  11. Hate me all ya want for this but he acted like a pure petulant Nazi after that game finished, idgaff for players like him

  12. I want Auston Matthews to sign an eight year deal contract worth $14.7 million any better winners of the Stanley Cup

  13. As an Oilers fan I will say.
    For a guy getting two handed by Pietrangelo and seeing he gets a lesser penalty than Nurse I greatly surprised he even shook his hand.

    On another note some may come after me as a salty fan but… the refs putting away their whistles in the 3rd for some pretty obvious things like the to many men for Vegas that happened not once but twice in a span of less than a minute really prevented any change in tide for the game and just killed any momentum.
    I was physically at the game and saw alot not get called but I may have rose coloured glasses when I say this but it felt like Vegas got away with a lot that should have been an obvious call.

  14. Can we stop talking about McDavid and Draisaitl??? Great, they have great seasons. Lots of points. At the end of the day….. THEY CAN'T WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! When you are great, you make people around you better. OK, the Oilers got to the 2nd round. I'd rather be ousted in the 1st round if I'm getting it handed to me. Couldn't happen to 2 more pompous, egostistical morons.

  15. Go oilers. Vegas has no place in the NHL. Fuck Vegas and anyone who likes them. All cam disappear immediately.

  16. Are we just not going to comment on the fact that Vegas got away with an assortment of penalties within a two minute span? Including a double minor high stick, where Mattias Ekholm was clearly bleeding????

    I’m not even an Oilers fan in the slightest, but this series was completely bogus. It felt very one-sided in favour of Vegas.

  17. He shook the hand of a guy who tried to end his season with a dirty slash… That was WAY more than Peiterangelo deserved.

  18. who gives a fuck what fans think trying to kill someone dos not belong in hockey

  19. The reaction could have been legit if he purposely didn’t shake his hand. But this? He still shook his hand, it was just an express one. Maybe kissing him on the cheek would’ve been more appreciate? 🤣

  20. There have been players in the past who refused to even take part in the handshake line. Billy Smith from Islanders dynasty in early 80s was notorious for it. As for Leon, Petro intentionally tried to injure him, he acted with malice and didn’t care if it impacted or ended his career. Where was Petro’s sportsmanship then?

  21. The classiest thing was Draisaitl not sucker punching him in the handshake line

  22. Drai doesn't owe him a hand shake at all… his play on drai wrist was a disgusting displayed ever. If pietrangelo is a decent human being he should be actually disgusted with himself

  23. A little bit of pettiness? Lol the dude tried to break his wrist. So much whack shit happens in the NHL now cause the DOPS does nothing and there is no enforcers anymore. Back in the day that slash would have never happened because Edmonton would have sent out and enforcer to hospitilize pet.

  24. He shouldn’t even have shakes his hand. Fuck the sport he tried to injure him that’s bullshit. Stop being soft

  25. Just once I'd like to see a player who clearly and intentionally tried to injure another player in a game, yet was still allowed to participate in the handshake line, get sucker punched in the face by that player. I find the whole "I really tried to hurt you and possibly ruin your postseason if not your career, but put it there buddy!" BS of these things offensive to my intellect. Just like when a pitcher intentional throws 100mph at a batters head, with the very real possibility of killing them, and yet the thought of the batter going after him with a bat is looked down on by the same purist pacifists who think intentionally throwing at a batter is just "part of the game". In both of these instances, the offending players should be escorted from the game by police and arrested becuase they were committing aggravated assault. No one should be shaking their hands or allowing them to throw another ball.

  26. He shook his hand and didn’t avoid it, pietrangelo got off easy with his suspension and should’ve gotten suspended for 2 games.

  27. Lmao shows it doesn't take skill to win. Lmfao. Lmfao. But drama? Love the drama……. Lmfao.

  28. If you think the his slash was out of no where you clearly weren’t paying attention😂

  29. Vages we’re cheating for everything and stupid league do nothing about pitrengelo should not been playing that game I think all it’s fix sad shame to see player use sticks like weapon and was only one game suspended watch out this massage to players it’s ok to do that it’s only one game not big deal he probably do it again weak up league before it’s too late cause people will stop watch hockey any more smart enough

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