@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Vers qui les Leafs pourraient-ils se tourner comme prochain directeur général?

Le président des Maple Leafs, Brendan Shanahan, a déclaré qu’il garderait l’esprit ouvert lorsqu’il chercherait qui embaucher pour être le prochain directeur général du club, mais a souligné que l’expérience serait un atout attrayant. TSN Hockey Insider Darren Dreger se joint à Gino Reda pour discuter de certains candidats.


  1. Those names scare me, Chiarelli, Shero, Treliving, Bergevin — wow. Please convince David Poile to come on over, 😢

  2. Dreger dropping Peter Chiarelli is comedy. Chiarelli should never GM in the NHL again.

  3. Bergevin, Shero, or Chiarelli??? No way. Not a fan of Treviling either. Guy botched the Tkachuk trade. Leafs hiring from within is the best move.

  4. Don't matter who they hire nothing ever changes SO who's really pulling the strings? Maybe the OWNERS are the problem!

  5. President, GM, Coach, Mathew’s, Mariner, and Tavares… need to go…

    What made you think that spending 28 million fcn dollars of the cap, on 3 fcn players was every going to work???

    The only problem here is you think we’re fcn stupid….

    Build a defence with rock solid goal tending…then an offence…

  6. What about George macfee? He made vegas into a power house instantly and when he was in Washington that team was always good.

  7. Who ever they give the job to he better make this team tough and he better find defenseman

  8. Shannahan would be able to work with one of the Women from the Canadian Womens Olympic Team…. they have all the answers …. Toronto is probably the only team that is open to hiring one …. Makes sense

  9. finally go rid of dogy hozzerr……he was driving us into the ground. hate to say it but our leafs are worst shape then the habs. the leafs are over all better than the coyotes, pretty much even with the blue jackets but a step bh the ducks though. habs will have the beat down in a couple of years! ouchhh this hurts. hope austin isnt still head home to az, man thhis sucks

  10. Tsn please get your YouTube tech team to raise the volume I feel like this is an issue with all your videos

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