@Oilers d'Edmonton

Le podcast « L’équipe dominante de Vegas termine le pétrole » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la défaite 5-2 d’Edmonton contre le Golden Knight de Las Vegas.


  1. I was enjoying this take until you guys complained about the refs. Bad calls, or lack thereof went both ways. Vegas was the better team at the end. Calls/non-calls wouldn't have made a differnece.

  2. CRY CRY CRY. Edmonton dependent way too much on the PowerPlay. And to be honest the Refs missed calls both ways

  3. Campbell shouldve been given the start, by like game 5 or earlier.

    Draisatl seemed out of it after the ridiculous handling of piet.

    They got away from the tough play that was smothering and frustrating the VGK players.

  4. Campbell shouldve been given the start, by like game 5 or earlier.

    Draisatl seemed out of it after the ridiculous handling of piet.

    They got away from the tough play that was smothering and frustrating the VGK players.

    And the top six outside of drai and McDavid didnt show up. Bottom six did.

  5. I like woody but his decision making regarding the goaltending was truly baffling and one of the worst coaching blunders I have witnessed in a long time

  6. Bouchard had a coming out party worthy of a number 1 hybrid.

    You two are still supporting Nurse after missing two checks and being on for ALL four goals…and missing the last game for stupidity.
    I’m sorry but I don’t see what you see in the player and NOW, how do you lock up Bouchard???
    Oilers are fraught with problems because of the Darnell Nurse problem, PERIOD!

  7. Trade Nurse and Yamamoto / could get some good players in return and increase cap space !!!

  8. I was calling for a Drai Kostin Janmark line, totally agree that RNH and Yamo together are awful no matter who their third is!

  9. we lost the series in game 4. We won, but they took the punch and well, we saw the results. Teams take the cup, they don't win it.

  10. Don't you guys know the word "Choke.?" Enough of the cheery homilies. The best player in the world failed in the clutch. His Leon buddy,
    minus -4. How does a former goalie turned g.m. fail to get a good goalie combo. Embarrassing.

  11. When I just watched the skinner,nurse interview, I couldn't help but think skinner didn't really give a flying fuck…I HATE to watch someone acting BAD….And that Laugh during the interview…SAID IT ALL. Campell is the money man…annd he is capable…But wasn't given the chance. players lost ALL faith in SKINNER…Now us Fans.

  12. Couldn't agree more with David, that McLeod line shut down the Eichle line in game four beautifully…. Then for whatever reason woodcroft went away form it in game 6

  13. Oilers got to simmer the arrogance down that’s why all Canadians are hesitant to cheer them on a one dimensional team living off the power play and can’t match Vegas five on five

  14. Edmonton is in a solid position, of course they have a window but that's up to the GM and Coach to make it work. Good season

  15. Many thanks for your insightful commentaries over the year David and Bruuuuuce. It has made me a more observant and appreciative Hockey Fan. We look forward to seeing you next season in the meantime.

  16. How come almost every team in the league has better goaltending and Dcore than the Oilers? Smh.

  17. Full disclosure, I am a VGK fan. You have beaten the Petro slash to death. As if that is the reason Drai did not perform well the last two games. Boo Hoo! Petro is not a dirty player. The Oilers targeted Stone and Petro from minute one of this series. Petro's slash was the cumulative effect of being smacked throughout the series. Your are outraged about the Petro slash. VGK fans are outraged with Kane taking a run at Petro and high stickling him in the face. The Oilers are a great team, but I am tired of the unbridled arrogance of the Edmonton media. The VGK players are a driven, skilled team and deserve more respect from the Canadian hockey snobs.

  18. It's been a ride this year – always look forward to hearing your thoughts after each game, just wish there were a few more this season for you to review! Thanks for another season, both the Oilers and the Cult of Hockey

  19. Well, another year down the tubes obsessing and over-hyping a team of d-bags that don't care about you. Better luck next year, ya old scrotums.

  20. When the Oilers played hard and aggressive they won, when they played soft and passive they lost. That and weak goaltending is what cost them this series and there best shot at a cup in years.

  21. I will say this…

    While I thoroughly enjoyed the Oilers prolonged winning streak to close out the regular season which stemmed from a tangible commitment to team defence, I was somewhat concerned, heading into the post-season, that even the slightest resistance would result in a cataclysmic fall back to earth. That turned out to be the case, in my opinion.

    Analytics aside, by my eye the team changed during the 3rd Period of Game 1 against Los Angeles. They had played two nearly flawless periods to begin the playoffs and were in complete control – making good reads, winning battles and generally imposing their will. Then one bad play resulted in a Kempe goal. Then another and so on – and it seemed to me that the perseverance, resiliency and control they had demonstrated for a month was lost in a very short period of time.

    From then on until the final buzzer of Game 6, Round 2 the Oilers game felt like and looked like a team that had lost control and reverted to its former volatility.

    One thing that I believe also bares mentioning is that if this team had acquired a true $5 Million Goaltender they would have likely been unstoppable. I don’t hate Campbell but if the Oilers had ended up with a Sorikin or Grubauer or Ulmark things would have likely looked very different. It’s a combination of bad luck and perhaps poor pro-scouting that ultimately resulted in what will long be considered a terribly squandered opportunity.

  22. This podcast contributed hugely to the enjoyment of the season for me. Thank you so much. Looking forward to next year.

  23. Woodcroft maybe abit too much of a players coach.. i agreed with starting Stu.. But the leash should have been short especially after his turnover up the boards and allowed the first goal..100% he should have been out after goal 3.. Stop worrying about the feelings of these guys.. They are Getting Paid to play a game they love.. But its a winning business.. And they failed

  24. Bob Stauffer just said that Vegas has a $96.0 million roster!!! Oilers have a $82.5 million roster!!! What more needs to be said !!!

  25. Yamamoto has the heart of a lion but he isn't built for the modern NHL playoff game!!!

  26. Lavoie & Holloway would have given the Oilers a huge boost of energy, speed and power!!!

  27. If we went to Campbell we win this series. This series was lost on Skinners poor play.

  28. Good things? Bouchard, Foegele, and McLeod all played well. There is still a good goaltender in Campbell.
    Bad things: Kane, RNH and Hyman fizzled out. Yamamoto's size left him vulnerable. McDavid tried to do it alone at times to the detriment of the team. No checking line. Woodcroft did not adapt when needed.

  29. The Boys got outplayed but for f sakes the refs are trash. We should have had a 4 minute PP there at the end

  30. You guys are great. Oilers ran into a very hungry, experienced, battletested vegas team.
    enjoyed watching your podcasts i can sense the passion you have for your team. You are welcome to cover the rest of Vegas' run i would watch for sure

  31. David – your comment on Drai at the 7:00 mark is off. Drai wasn't the same after game 2, long before the slash. Vegas shut him down

  32. Skinner and RNH underperformed, plus team defense was still inconsistent… pity… with Avs and Bruins out, the path was definitely there.

  33. Campbell should have been starting one of the games if not two versus Vegas. I agree with you that the coaching staff are to blame for those decisions. What do they say about doing the same thing but expecting a different result? Ken Holland needs to find a true NHL goalie if the coaches won’t play your $5 million goalie!


  35. Campbell lost the net to Skinner in February. If Campbell starts a game and plays like he has shown to all year everybody would be screaming bloody murder.

  36. Who cares what Campbell’s numbers are with LA and Toronto? We saw who he is all year long.

  37. Thank you faithful cultists for this wonderful podcast. I live in new jersey but I am a faithful oiler fan. I will spare you the platitudes and will get to the issue of defense That begs the question is it not a function of coaching? cat it be repetitively taught and corrected? They appear to be making the same mistakes over and over again regarding where not to be

  38. Always appreciate your podcasts. Listen to them after almost every game. Two thoughts. You can't build a team with unicorns. Drafted KY vs. JO? The great mistake.

    The defensive strategy (whatever it is) needs to change.

    And to think this team could win the cup is disingenuous.

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