@Oilers d'Edmonton

Oilers d’Edmonton… QUE S’EST-IL PASSÉ ??

Les Oilers d’Edmonton sont éliminés des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley au deuxième tour contre les Golden Knights de Vegas lors du sixième match de leur série. Connor Mcdavid et Leon Draisaitl n’ont pas réussi à s’en sortir et à ramener leur équipe à la finale de la Conférence Ouest ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. He’s Mc never won 9 years. Oil fans are terrible I’m glad they’ll be eating crow until October. Anyone that bets on a team with no defense and average goaltending doesn’t watch nhl playoffs often

  2. No secondary soring and bad goaltending – can't win a ship like that.

    I remember being skeptical of the coaching staff putting Skinner back in after that comeback with Capmbell against the Kings. They should have just rode the hot-hand considering they both suck.

  3. Last Year the Oilers lost Draisaitl to injury after beating Calgary. They were no match for Colorado.

  4. Mcdavid had 20 points in 12 games. He has a career 75 points in 49 playoff games he’s a proven playoff performer and was not the problem. It simply came down to goaltending and coaching decisions in my opinion. Also Evander Kane and Nuge are a huge part of this top 6 and were pretty invisible this series

  5. i dont think anyone in vegas was surprised by this outcome.
    edmonton was chasing this series the whole time. edmonton was making huge strategy changes game to game and vegas barely even touched their line combinations.

    everyone is acting like this is a big surprise… but thats only because they arent paying attention.

  6. For the entire series the "experts" and media yapping that Edmonton is the dominant team with visions of the odds makers looking at the cup for the Oil blah blah blah. Yet the entire series Edmonton was trying to catch up and always behind. Vegas had depth. Edmonton had none. Who were on the 3rd and 4th lines of the Oilers again? Can't win the cup if your one trick pony is the power play.

  7. They need a better defense and a solid goalie. They looked good otherwise

  8. Well when you play in such a terrible division and come across the only good team in west this will be the outcome.

  9. DeanerHD Its very apparent your analysis of what went wrong is way way off. Try watching the games and analysing some stats. Campbell never started a game. He played well when he replaced Skinner in relief. Skinner being a 24 Year old rookie also being born in Alberta. With all that pressure he was under he understandably could not answer the bell. Personaly I think Coach Woodcroft should take some serious criticism for not giving the 31 year old Campbell a start somewhere in this serious. Campbell has dealt with high pressure playoff situations before and performed stellar. He didnt win those series, but had kept his team in those games and has the career playoff numbers to prove back it up. Connor and Leon were great all playoffs, Others played well too. Although many key pieces to the puzzle didnt fit right. Nurse jumping the fight in the last five minutes and taking a suspension. Kane pounding on dudes ribs while hes down then talking smack to the reporters with a grin. That garbage will not win hockey games. It only fuels the other team to get back at you on the score board.

  10. McDingbat and Drycroych can’t do it all. TERRIBLE defense, very weak goalies and NO depth. Regardless of what their arrogant fans say, Edm is very far off and has a lot of work to do.

    And your wrong, both Dallas and Sea are deeper and better than Edm. They were the worst of the 4 “teams” left. Also, FLA will take out Carolina so your wrong about that also.

  11. What happened? It’s simple, you can’t win with AHL caliber goalies. If the oil had Smith and Koskinen this year, they win this series. Irony is the oil thought their goalies Skinner and Campbell was an upgrade this year. The truth is, it was a downgrade from last year.

  12. Dude, mcdavid showed up and performed. You cant say that about marner or matthews? Mcdavid is far and away not the reason they lost and to single him out is wrong

  13. They could see Skinner was off his game in game 5,the decision to start him in game 6 just cost them their season,it was over in the first 30 seconds.There was nothing left for Campbell to save by the time they put him in,huge mistake.

  14. Ooooiiileeeerrrrrssssss whaaaaaaaat haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenduuuuuuuuuuuh

  15. Vegas killed edmonton on the 5 on 5 and especially in the net. VGK is definitely the favorite to win the cup moving forward. It'll be the knights over the hurricanes 4 gsmes to 1 in the cup final.

  16. Mcdavid must be thinking like what do I have todo 185 point season still not good enough. He’s out.

  17. They didn’t get 6 power plays and apparently their trio of 100 point scorers can’t do shit even strength. Perhaps Mcregular season should learn how to back check

  18. Yahoo!!!!!!! Oilers Eliminated in 6 games. 2nd round. Edmonton is jinxed

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