J’ai récemment eu un tatouage inspiré des lions / ailes rouges et même si ce n’est pas tout à fait ce que j’espérais depuis que j’ai demandé à la petite amie de mon copain de le faire plutôt que d’aller chez un professionnel mais dans l’ensemble toujours satisfait
Obviously not perfect but not bad either, and a really cool design. You come up with that yourself?
I like it. You could build a cool sleeve around it too.
Really cool. Only thing I’d of done differently woulda been making the D the old English Tigers D.
Good tattoos aren’t cheap and cheap tattoos aren’t good. Not a bad idea, but if you’re going to permanently put something on your body, why not spend some money and make sure it’s perfect, instead of using a friends gf
Looks great!
As a Red Wings fan, but Lions and Tigers hater, I think this design is really dope and like the tattoo.
People are being nice which is great, but objectively the line work on that tattoo is awful. Glad you like it though.