@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Rapport: l’ancien directeur général des Leafs, Kyle Dubas, était «en désaccord» avec Brendan Shanahan, ses transactions ont été bloquées

Rapport: l’ancien directeur général des Leafs, Kyle Dubas, était «en désaccord» avec Brendan Shanahan, ses transactions ont été bloquées



  1. SDAisaleaf

    This should be good news for the « Dubas is a brilliant GM » crowd. Apparently it was Shanahan making the decisions all along

  2. Skiffy10

    yea but you can’t judge this stuff because we have no idea what exact trades were blocked.

  3. DevryMedicalGraduate

    The Hagel + Fleury for Knies++ is the one trade that was rumoured.

    Now I’m not saying Dubas is 100% at fault on thst one but one trade I do wonder about a lot is Moore, Grundstrum and Durzi for Muzzin, Clifford and Campbell. That was a win now move that I think we were on the short end of the stick of – that is with hindsight of course.

    So Dubas has made a similar trade before.

  4. 1columbia

    This article is just regurgitating the Mirtle article from Friday. Mirtle also leans Dubas

  5. LeafsRealist

    This sounds like propaganda unless you leak what the trades were and at what stage of the negotiation they were blocked.

  6. EddyMcDee

    Article about a Mirtle article

  7. CountKristopher

    I’m seeing a lot of folks saying it depends on what was blocked and I’m going to disagree hard on that. If you’re the GM it’s your job to assemble the team as you see fit, someone hired you to do that and now they’re telling you to assemble the team as they see fit. I’d be asking for double my salary too.

  8. cappo40

    I just wanna know the blocked trades.

  9. CdnRageBear

    I swear I’ve seen this shit posted like 5 times in the last week.

    It’s done and over with, let’s all move on.

  10. Hockyinc

    He never had full reign. Shanahan was watching the whole time. What’s the surprise? Dubas was basically an evolving rookie in the NHL. It makes sense that Shanahan would be mindful.

  11. housington-the-3rd

    I wonder how many GMs actually have full autonomy to the point the President can’t block trades. I have to think that list is extremely short. This sounds like a story being made out of something that is not that rare.

  12. lukaskywalker

    What’s the point of a gm if you block him. Just give yourself the title
    And do it. And then get fired yourself when you do a shit job. Who wants to be micromanaged. Looks like shanahan has been the problem for a while now.

  13. richarm87

    I think the President on any team has to think big picture. While the GM concerns are more micro.
    Especially when the GM is in the last year of the deal they will do what makes them look best.

    Look what AA did with the Jays. Was middling his whole tenure. Bad trades, good trades. But that final year that he had, he went all in with an aging core that didn’t win, and didn’t win the following year. Than was just bad. AA was worried about that year for his next contract. The president has to worry about how the team will function in the future as well as right now.

  14. Coolsbreeeze

    I will say this. Whoever decided to waive McCann over Holl is the one that deserved to be fired. That idea was so fucking stupid in every single fucking way.

  15. skruiss

    Shanahan was the true Knies protector 🤷‍♂️

  16. NervousBreakdown

    christ im glad I got banned from r/hockey. trolling islanders fans in game threads isn’t worth having the see the discourse around this team from people who called Dubas the worst gm in the league for the last few years and are now probably calling him an absolute treasure that the leafs let get away.

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