@Canadiens de Montréal


Les Cats ont blanchi les Hurricanes à domicile après une performance exceptionnelle de Sergei Bobrovsky! Assurez-vous de suivre tout ce qui concerne les chats sur floridapanthers.com ou en consultant @FlaPanthers sur Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et TikTok.


  1. I was lucky to be there last night. I will never forget it. I hope I'm able to make it to a Finals game, but regardless of the 3-0 lead, I'm not counting it over until it's over. It's how I've been all playoff long. Tomorrow is another game, Carolina is going to throw everything they got. Just do what you can boys. We believe in you. Win or lose. Just keep fighting <3

  2. Wish my mom was still here to enjoy this playoff run. Diehard Panthers fan like me. Go Cats Go…

  3. Cheering from the Philippines! Been a fan since the Beezer year's! Lets go Panthers, lets get the Stanley cup!!!!

  4. At the last minute I had to send my son and wife to the game (life). Anyway, wife said the place was nuts last night. Can't wait for Wednesday. It's going to be even more difficult to win that game because Carolina is going to come out blazing. Must Protect Bob. Zito is looking like a genius with the moves he's made. Glad he's our GM and not Toronto's.

  5. what's it like to cheer for a team with no fans? like you try to bring the game up at work the next day and nobody knows what you're talking about? It must be like being into My Little Pony or HAM radio

  6. BOB is the Best! BOB is a Russian! Im a Happy! Именно РУССКИЙ голкипер тащит Флориду в финал Кубка!! #BOBtheBest#Russia

  7. Боб и вся команда великолепна, со времён Павел Буре. Удачи. Россия с флоридой

  8. LETS GO BOYS I MADE A RAP FOR YALL Florida Panthers for cup, Bobrovsky for conn smythe , You don’t believe me, You’re a dear in the lights 🎤👇🤚

  9. Maple Leaf fans wake up every night in a cold sweat.
    All they hear in their nightmare is, "WE WANT FLORIDA ! WE WANT FLORIDA!" 😬😫

  10. I dvr'd the game and watched it when I got home from work. The fans were loud and proud. Singing Blink-182 and Lit super loud! 😂😂😂

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