@Ligue nationale de hockey

Frank avec la chaleur

Frank avec la chaleur



  1. frankrocksjesus

    Damn so he’s doubling down. Don’t be like Jamie.

  2. bjeebus

    This is some next level « I wish you wouldn’t make me hurt you » shit. Can someone get him video of the check?

  3. Chipmunk-Adventurous

    Wtf lol. Just say sorry and move on

  4. brennic

    “If only he could accidentally fall down and eat my pussy”

    -his wife, probably

  5. dragons_fire77

    I’m tired of doubling down comments. There’s nothing wrong with apologizing and saying « I was wrong ». It’s actually much harder to do because you have to swallow your pride to do it. And I, for one, respect people more when they do it and mean it.

  6. jimhabfan

    The true measure of a man is taking responsibility for your actions, owning your mistakes and taking steps to do better. Nobody needs to hear your excuses.

  7. Mightyhorse82

    My 0 respect for him just went lower. Can’t even own up to it. What a clown.

  8. NightHaunted

    Jamie Benn has proven himself over the course of 14 years to be a bit of a piece of shit. He’s no Sean Avery but the dude is a dick for sure. The correct statement to make would have been an apology to start, an acknowledgement that what he did was wrong, and then some sort of promise to be better and not do anything like this again.

    Jamie didn’t do any of that on purpose. I’m sure he knows that it wasn’t okay according to the rules of hockey and the laws governing mankind that say you can’t just fucking assault people because you’re upset, but he doesn’t care. He probably only regrets doing it because now he has to deal with all of this and it’s annoying, not because he feels bad about it. He didn’t apologize because he isn’t sorry, and he didn’t promise to be better because he knows that would be a lie and just one more thing for people to annoy him about when he inevitably pulls some dumb shit like this again in the future.

  9. LibbbTearCollector

    Great comment! This is how you get people way more emotionally invested. Sometimes sports need a bad guy too.

  10. pzagrbge

    Just own up to it you fuckin prick

  11. Prairie2Pacific

    It’s this type of response that knocked Scheifele out of my fave player slot. Just say sorry, man.

  12. Bad_Karma19

    What a great leader……. /s

  13. Pretty__Ugly

    All the chirp Stars fans gave the Wild for being a dirty team turned out to be the biggest projection ever.

  14. -cyg-nus-

    I’m thinking dumbfuck here needs to hire a PR agent to write his responses for him from now on. How fucking stupid.

  15. tall__guy

    Holy hell. I honestly thought there was _some_ chance of him saving his captaincy, and maybe some degree of dignity, if he came out today and apologized and gave us the whole “heat of passion in a big game” spiel.

    There’s zero chance he keeps the C now, right?

  16. burningxmaslogs

    Frankie is a beauty lol

  17. burningxmaslogs

    So did Parros give Benn a blow job for 5 k?

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