@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Seravalli] L’@NHLPA confirme qu’elle examine la relation de l’ancien directeur général des #Leafs Kyle Dubas avec son agent pour violation potentielle, car @wassermanhockey représente également d’éminents joueurs de la LNH, dont #LeafsForever Auston Matthews.

[Seravalli] L’@NHLPA confirme qu’elle examine la relation de l’ancien directeur général des #Leafs Kyle Dubas avec son agent pour violation potentielle, car @wassermanhockey représente également d’éminents joueurs de la LNH, dont #LeafsForever Auston Matthews.



  1. malliabu

    * »Armstrong is not currently an NHL certified agent and therefore not subject to discipline by the NHLPA; Armstrong is predominantly a golf agent and represents professional golfers Tony Finau and Cameron Champ, among others, for Wasserman. »*

    There probably aren’t any jokes we can make about Dubas using an agent for professional golfers.

  2. HemiKooks

    Uh oh, that’s not a good look.

    I knew about the connection to Matthews but I don’t think it even occurred to me that it was a conflict of interest. Sit sort of got overshadowed in the storylines of Kyle’s departure.

  3. Romanpolakfan

    « Hey Kyle, that is not allowed….

    ….but since you don’t work for the Leafs anymore, no problem »

  4. sokocanuck

    So what are the potential outcomes here?

  5. throwaway3838482923

    Any chance Shanny whistle blowed?

  6. bryzzlybear

    Can someone explain why a GM needs an agent? I get having a lawyer review any employment contracts of yours… But a massive part of your job is negotiating contracts on behalf of your team, why is he unable to negotiate his own contract by himself?

  7. kingex11

    Dubas and Shanahan are amateurs. One was a kid with no senior executive experience and the other was an ex player who was recommended by Bettman to MLSE owners. Neither should have been given the keys to hockey’s richest and most popular franchise.

  8. terimaki89

    I’ve been harping about this all weekend in the group chats haha. Good, this makes no sense.

  9. EddyMcDee

    What are they investigating, early negotiating with Matthews?

    Or is it just a general conflict of interest?

  10. icheerforvillains

    >“This is clearly prohibited under the regulations,” one long-time agent said on Thursday, requesting anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on behalf of his firm. “It is an unwritten, understood and longstanding practice

    I don’t know how « clearly under the regulations » and « unwritten » can be uttered in the same sentence on the same topic.

    I suppose NHLPA could revoke all the agent licenses from the second largest Sports Agency in the world? Yeah that seems likely. Or they could revoke the NHLPA license from the agent that doesn’t have one…

    I wonder if NHLPA does something crazy like saying the same firm can’t represent execs and players whether the NHL execs would sue the PA for infringing on their options for representation.

  11. sextoymagic

    Dubas sign with the Penguins yet?

  12. Parzival091

    Are they trying to imply that Dubas sharing an agent with Matthews got him to sign a more team-friendly deal? Because…that’s definitely not what happened here

  13. krombough

    Where’s that commenter who said that winning a round then losing in the second round so there was no clear answers would be the Leafiest thing ever? Not even he could have predicted this.

  14. NotyourFriendBuuuddy

    Why does Dubas need an agent in the first place? He was an Agent for Kyle Clifford and Andrew Desjardins before becoming the GM of the Greyhounds. Then is a GM where his job is to negotiate contracts. Makes zero sense for him to have an agent unless he’s admitting he sucks at negotiating.

    I like this wikipedia quote.

    >Dubas set up offices in Europe; however, challenges with clients leaving for other agents resulted in Dubas looking for alternate careers in hockey.[6]

  15. ehletsgo

    It’s just a review as of right now. I’m sure this has happened before and is normal procedure.

    This doesn’t sound like anything too serious. It’s just a headline because of the recent news surrounding Dubas’ departure

  16. EyeHeartBidets

    Solid smear piece by MLSE.

  17. KingRabbit_

    Dubas is trying to snake Matthews away from us, is the obvious conclusion.

  18. Busy-Crankin-Off

    His agent still has a job? No doubt he’s representing Ronald McDonald down at the local McDicks at this point?

  19. databoy2k

    This is actually something that probably makes a lot more sense to the legal community than the lay community, since we have these issues and have the opposite practice from what is described in the article.

    Lawyers, individually, have a duty of candour and good faith to their clients. Law firms sign retainer agreements with clients and the clients are generally considered clients of the firm, who then assign solicitors to those clients.

    What happens if a law firm represents two major competitors in an industry? If the competitors are not in direct legal conflict, the law firm has no problems. Say one company is doing due diligence on a massive investment and the other is actively purchasing a piece of property that could impact the first’s investment – what does the firm do?

    We call it a « chinese wall » in which the law firm will separate out the due diligence team from the purchase team to make sure that information confidential to each client doesn’t leak over. There is a bundle of controls that has to be put into place to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.

    At the end of the day, though, we treat the solicitor-client relationship as the most important one; we’re bound to it.

    The wording of the regulations (according to the article) implies that it’s agent-client relationships that matter as well, but rather than run into the Chinese Wall issue, it looks like the practice has been to treat it as a firm-client relationship. That practice was broken here.

    I wonder if there’s a code of conduct that might shed more light on the issue, as it does in law firms…

  20. Level-Interest5130

    The NHL old boys club picks and chooses which person they want to exclude. Colin Campbell was actively suspending players in situations that involved his son, and emailed refs telling them to treat his son better, and that was not considered a violation of ethics by absolutely anyone in the NHL.

  21. StellarLightyear

    People are actually going to find a way to say this isn’t something, just because it’s Dubas. Let’s spell it out here:

    A executive in a company (Dubas) negotiated the salary of an independent contractor (Matthews) with an agency (Wasserman). That contract is so player friendly, it’s the 2nd example on the agencies website of “precedent setting” contracts.

    That same executive (Dubas) had their own business relationship for their own financial interest with that same agency (Wasserman).

    Minimum, poor business ethics. Moderately, a conflict of interest. Aggressively, corruption.

  22. doughcanada

    what a horrible look for this franchise.

    its back to the fucking Ballard years.

  23. Purplebuzz

    The PA thinks Matthews should have got more and did not know his agent also represented Kyle? Seems neither of those things is likely.

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