@Hurricanes de la Caroline

* Voix très plombier * « Eh bien, c’est là votre problème »

* Voix très plombier * « Eh bien, c’est là votre problème »



  1. Normal512

    What a fantastic graphic. Hats off to Florida, as well, because that doesn’t happen because we want it to. Just really shows exactly where we need to get better for these deep runs, and it’s being big and strong in front of the net.*

    *edit: I take that back, we were all over the net. We didn’t get between the circles.

  2. Whydoesthisexist15

    This was through Game 3 I found the graphic and posted it to the discord for this subreddit

  3. golfburner

    Dump and chase my boys. They played so much behind the net it was unreal

  4. TheCaniac30

    So what is the specific problem here?


    Point, bumper, and goal line shots to set up an extremely strong net front and low slot presence.


    Some moves in the circle on the glove side.

  5. mvanvan

    The slot is a very deadly area. We practiced curling around the face off circle and shooting on the net in single A. Defense shots and ‘hack and wack’ shots r geasy but we all saw how matty tkachuk scored.

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