@Canadiens de Montréal

Chris Peters, analyste du repêchage et prospect de la LNH : « Je n’ai jamais vraiment vu un joueur comme lui. Juste un talent remarquable. Il va changer notre façon de penser à D-man. Je regarde le hockey depuis un moment et je ne peux pas penser à un D-man qui joue comme Lane Hutson.

Chris Peters, analyste du repêchage et prospect de la LNH : « Je n’ai jamais vraiment vu un joueur comme lui. Juste un talent remarquable. Il va changer notre façon de penser à D-man. Je regarde le hockey depuis un moment et je ne peux pas penser à un D-man qui joue comme Lane Hutson.



  1. Quasihodor

    Gotdamn, imagine Hutson to Suzuki to Caufield? I can hear the call now

  2. KeepUpTheFPS

    Please I can only get so erect

  3. ThorzyG

    Let this kid cook in the NCAA. Excited for him but they can’t rush him!

  4. televisionceo

    And he is not far from the truth. I said the same thing when I saw Subban played. And I know there has been comparison to Makar but i watch Makar and I see an exceptional player, perhaps the best dman since Lidstrom but I think his style is pretty traditional all things considered.

    The comparison with Quinn Hughes is a bit better and I can’t think of a better one but it still does not encompass what lane can be.

    He has been compared to a basketball player in the past in the sense that he creates space with deception and patience and I think that is what he can bring to the game. He has so many tools that you can’t cover all the option he has.

    Can’t wait to see what he can do in the NHL

    edit: Point guard

  5. shogun2909


  6. SheSaidMoreSnow

    I think Lane is absolutely phenomenal but let’s not pretend we exist in a Cale Makar-less world.

  7. c0unt3rparts

    I’ve never seen a player do as many head fakes as Hutson. It’s like it’s wired into his brain that he has to throw a fake in there everytime he touches the puck.

  8. mikegimik

    At this point the hype is getting out of control – one year of D1 hockey in a relatively easy division and suddenly he’s the next great thing. I am worried about the expectations people are starting to have with him.

  9. jo_maka

    General Bone Apart conquering new subjects every day

  10. Dank_Bubu

    Make way for the express lane !

  11. epic_pork

    I remember this guy being very high on Makar just before he joined the league and became a known stud. This bodes well!

  12. jayydit


  13. EmTeeEl

    I am not worried about his offensive abilities. How was he defensively this world championship? Didn’t get to watch any game unfortunately. Some interesting advanced stats?

  14. roum12

    Any chance that he finishes his degree and doesn’t sign with the Habs?

  15. MainHaze

    I’m keeping my expectations reasonably in check… but I foresee nothing less than the second coming of Bobby Orr, and a Calder and Norris trophy in his first year.

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