@Stars de Dallas

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  1. Both_Fold6488

    I just….I just want to see Pavs lift the Stanley Cup so badly…..he could go to the Mild (forgive me for even mentioning such a cursed image) and I would still want it for him.

  2. topgundropout

    I loved Robos celebration after that goal!

  3. SaladAintValid

    Robo had such a good night! Im so proud of that dude and the whole team the way they showed up. THAT was a great game! THEY DID IT!!! And I sincerely think they’ll do it again in Vegas. Don’t tell me the odds, something shifted last night…we can do this!

  4. zarkothe

    Heck of a game and loved Olofssons play last night. Call me crazy but I’d love to see a Domi, Johnston, Olofsson line.

  5. trevor22343

    Feels like we’re in Vegas playing with house money now! We avoided the sweep and at least gave Pavs another memorable playoff moment! Let’s see if we can make em come back to the big D!

  6. doihavetowearabra

    I was very wary about going to the game last night, definitely not optimistic about it at all. But it ended up being a great game! Definitely some obnoxious Vegas fans though. The AAC exploded after Pavs scored in OT ☺️

  7. gentleman_bronco

    Really good to get the win last night. I was really digging the Domi/Kíví/Delly line. They definitely made a difference and generated the opportunity for Robo’s second goal.

  8. BoogerMcFuggenPussen

    Feels so good to win in OT last night. I’m maintaining my take that we can win this. Should’ve won game 2, game 3 who knows if Benn doesn’t lose his mind, and we beat them short handed last night. Could easily be 2-2 or us up 3-1. Robo is a monster who has been awakened. One game at a time. Let’s go Stars!!!!!!

  9. Pretty_Shallot_586

    After the win last night, I started thinking about the series, what it would take to win it, self-punishing optimism…..

    For games 1-3, the Stars damn near won two of them. The first two games we played one good game and one not so good, but in OT one bounce goes one way or the other, this series could be 3-1 Stars. If Oetter can steal game 5 then the pressure is on them and we have them in Dallas for game 6.

    Robo, for the first time in this series, was really salty last night. Showed some real conviction on the walls and won some important puck battles.

    Oetter played really well. That has to continue.

    I feel like it’s time to make some history

  10. OSUBonanza

    I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say the Dallas Stars will never lose another hockey game again.

  11. Nema003

    I may have scared my dog last night with my celebrating, but it’s all good

  12. FlyFeetFiddlesticks

    Oh what could be with Lundqvist and no Suter

  13. SawsageKingofChicago

    This is going to be a stretch, I know, but the series almost has flint Michigan mega bowl vibes now. The low point after game 3, the media write off of the team (which I think is some carry over from Carolina being swept, anyone who watched the first two games knows it hasn’t been lopsided beatings), the inevitability of Florida looming, and the “now or never” undertones for several of the older stars…. Hopefully they play every next game we get like it’s game 7 of the finals, and celebrate the effort like they’ve won it all when they earn another night.

    Go stars.

  14. AssInspectorGadget

    I hope you win the next three and we see basically a Finnish Stanley cup final.

  15. Woksauce1

    Obilgatory Ric Flair « WOOOOO!!! »

  16. DalTX43

    Does anyone have a collection of reverse uno cards? I’d like to hand them out to vegas fans on Monday.

  17. WhiteBoyFlipz

    i got absolutely fucked up at my festival yesterday and we won. so i’ll be doing the same on saturday for good luck. i unfortunately can’t attach videos otherwise i’d share some videos

  18. Docdoor

    Stars were bennt but not broken. Stars in 7.

  19. AndyMoogThe35

    A pic of Mike Tyson in a Domi jersey should be as iconic as that one photo of 2Pac in the OG Stars sweater

  20. Froggie56

    It has been so nice today seeing people believe in this team that it’s not over. Complete 180 on about 24 hours ago. This is one of the streakiest teams in hockey. If any team is going to pull off a conference final reverse sweep, it would be these guys, even if unlikely.

  21. CalmCaterpillar5263

    I’m so happy to still be alive in the Stanley cup playoffs this morning

  22. Mantoblame

    Why am I still so angry about the other night? 4-0, Benn, fans acting like Philly, like I couldn’t even enjoy last night. Still so disappointed.

  23. Wolfgang_Irish

    I’m a huge Jamie Benn fan. How much does Game 4 tarnish his legacy since everyone in the nation saw it? I’m not saying it wasn’t bad, but that’s just characteristically not who he’s always Benn 😉

  24. DownHereWeAllFloat

    2023 Playoff Opponent Fan Ranking:

    1) Seattle Kraken

    2) Vegas Golden Knights

    ….30 miles of shit

    3) Minnesota Wild

  25. zippyskippy1

    Probably an unpopular opinion but despite all the stupidity in game 3 I have to say game 2 was the most heartbreaking for me. We looked really good in that game up until the 3rd period. You could see the transition from « trying to win » to « trying not to lose ». That is wrong approach against the Golden Knights who always come out in the third period swinging for the fences. It even felt like we were going that direction last night as well.

    Take game 3 out of the equation where the boys were beat in the first 10 minutes of the game and it becomes clear just how tightly matched these teams are.

    Oh well. Here’s hoping they roll into Vegas and bring some fire.

    Oh and last night with the exception of when we were on the dot I felt the absence of Daddy more than Benn. Not questioning the leadership Benn provides but sometimes you need those people who can make their own opportunities and drive the puck down the opponents throats. Sure he is not as complete at Miro and isn’t nearly as fast as Hintz but he has as good a handle and protects the puck as well as anyone else on this team.

    Go Stars!

  26. TheClownIsReady

    They got the first one. Get one more and the doubt starts to creep in for Vegas. Call me crazy but I’m a believer…

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