@Red Wings de Détroit

Le spectacle MoJoe | Épisode 3 – Moritz Seider et Lucas Raymond

Pourquoi Mo ne veut-il pas être coincé sur une île avec Lucas ? Découvrez-le alors que la star invitée Lucas Raymond rejoint Moritz Seider dans l’épisode 3 de The MoJoe Show !


  1. I'm impressed Mo knows what "plead the fifth" means. I hope to see these two in the winged wheel for the next 20 years.

  2. Love seeing their chemistry on and off the ice. Bros for life

  3. Can we get a crossover episode of Jamaal That and MoJoe Show? Except it needs to be Mo, Lucas and Jamaal. That would be hilarious.

  4. Love the show perfect name. Who came up with the idea? maybe random co-hosts. Ya'll really are some characters ☺🙃

  5. There is a 100% chance that there are 0 kids watching this and it's actually all adult Red Wings fans. Treat us with respect and those views will continue to go up! Oh, and MAKE THESE LONGER THAN 2 1/2 minutes like wtf!????

  6. Give these dudes key to Detroit already. How lucky are the wings? And why had they been playing for the griffins?

  7. Seems like plead the fifth was an inside joke. Dying laughing together lol.

  8. Say hi to Raymond and congrats on that big win against Carolina!🥳 coming to go see you guys on the 12 against Calgary hoping I could see Mo and Lucas

  9. Love what McCarty said the other day about the chemistry here & how much it will translate on the ice & in the locker room beyond this short fun video. The future is bright!!!

  10. Let's petition to bring Al the zamboni driver back hes a legend hes part of the Detroit Red Wings and the history that goes with it…. Olympian entertainment you guys are fools…….

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