@Maple Leafs de Toronto

C’est Terrifiant

OK les gars, il y a eu beaucoup de rumeurs dernièrement au sujet de l’ancien directeur général des Canadiens de Montréal, Marc Bergevin, et de la possibilité qu’il soit embauché par les Maple Leafs de Toronto. J’ai l’impression bizarre que Bergevin soit exactement le genre de directeur général dont les Leafs ont besoin, et j’en parlerai dans cette vidéo! Les articles qui figuraient dans la vidéo étaient des captures d’écran de Habsfanatics.com, je vous recommande fortement de consulter ce site pour d’autres nouvelles des Habs, faites-moi savoir ce que vous pensez de celui-ci dans la section des commentaires ! Si vous êtes un fan des Canadiens, ou simplement du hockey en général, pensez à vous abonner à ma chaîne, car je télécharge une tonne de contenu sur le hockey, et j’apprécierais vraiment d’avoir d’autres sauterelles avec vous ! Pour soutenir ma chaîne, envisagez d’appuyer sur ce bouton Rejoindre et devenez membre aujourd’hui. Accédez à des vidéos exclusives réservées aux membres, ainsi qu’aux publications de la communauté ! Si vous êtes récemment devenu un nouveau membre, n’oubliez pas de consulter les « 15 membres Only Video Playlist », lien juste ici… : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq… Email : Hockeyjunkieemail@gmail.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/HockeyJunkie Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3jazrNmefY Twitter : https://twitter.com/HockeyJunkieYT Merch : https://streamlabs.com/hockeyjunkie/m… Et bien sûr, merci d’avoir regardé !


  1. Marc and Brendan in the same room, trying to prove who has the biggest balls and duking it out. Can't see Brendan hiring somebody who won't kowtow to him.

  2. I think you used the term, be careful what you wish for . Totally in the wrong context

  3. Everyone forgets Habs fans howling for Bergevin's head when they were down 3-1 to Toronto in round 1 of the 2nd Covid Cup (no fans). Then Price morphed into 'vintage Price' & went on an awesome heater, lifting a decent, not great team, to a Cup final. Habs fans were suddenly giddy & no longer bashing Bergevin. Sadly, the wheels came off. Vasilevskiy was as good as Price, if not better & the Lightning were definitely the better team. Weber was pretty much done by then & they were just not good enough to compete with Tampa. The proof, is without Price, Weber & Danault, the Habs went from Cup finalist to dead last in the entire NHL, a stunning fall to be clear. Weirdly, I always liked Bergevin & he's made no worse mistakes than any other NHL GM frankly & maybe his experience, without the rabid Francophone press snapping at his heels, he might might find a good spot in TO. It's often a league of re-treads.

  4. junkie…. want to make it even more SCARY…. Bergevin as GM…. Patrick Roy as Coach…. and they hoist the CUP…. Nightmare on St Catharines Street!!!!!

  5. watch out for the contract signatures Bergevin can get. His legacy in that matter in Montreal is a real nightmare. Best of luck with your salary cap….

  6. Bergervin and Shanahan, both Alpha males, this should be fun😂

  7. no no no… bergies record speaks for itself. it is more bad than good. that doesn;t even include the transactions he wanted to make but couldn't. lucic, cody glass to speak of a couple. he will make toronto in his own image just like he did with the habs. there is no way he has suddenly learned to be a good gm. good for us if he goes to TO.

  8. I always gave Bergevin the nickname of "The Gambler" this guy will go all in without hesitation. It can either make the Leafs a dynasty like we didnt see since the 1980's…. Or he can completly wreck that club. Bergy is a "High risk high reward" type of GM.

    That would be interesting to see him in that position, but also real cringe since he he a litteral former rival GM

  9. So your in the fake news business now. I only liked your channel
    You just screwed your integrity

  10. Marc Bergevin is clinically insane. As a Sens fan, I would love for him to take things over in Toronto.

  11. As stated earlier, Toronto runs the team on gaslighting and pandering to the popular opinion and there's no way Marc would be that.

  12. No problem with Marc GM the leafs. That be awesome actually! Massachusetts gm in Montreal and a francophone gm in Toronto !! Just bananas 😂🎩

  13. Mathews and Marner are stiffs during the payoffs!!! Get rid of them!!! Ship them out!!

  14. Why does this Newfie keep showing up in my feed? Ask a Newfie to build you a shelf, he'll make a ladder.

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