@Canucks de Vancouver

Quelle est votre opinion sur les Canucks qui vous feront ressembler à ça?

Quelle est votre opinion sur les Canucks qui vous feront ressembler à ça?



  1. touchable

    Mike Gillis wasn’t that great a GM. He inherited an elite core just as they were coming into their prime, and left us with a bare prospect cupboard and a whole bunch of NTC/NMC contacts.

    He just looks amazing by comparison because of how tragically awful Benning was after him.

  2. 21marvel1

    They should push their chips in at this point and go for playoffs runs with Elias/Quinn/Thatcher. Rebuild should Elias and or Quinn leave.

  3. Romance_Tactics

    We should have beat Vegas during the Covid post-season, and then I liked our chances against Dallas. We had played them well that season and didn’t have some of the superstars they have now. I think we were a goal away in that Vegas game 7 from being Stanley Cup finalists.

  4. Ok_Ship_9924

    Canucks retool will not work. The cap hell will stifle them competitively for another decade unless they tear off the scab and trade Pettersson, Hughes and Demko for massive return. Keep the bad contracts because no one wants them.

  5. TheBluelineHockey

    If they stumble again next year and miss the playoffs, a full teardown with Hughes traded to Jersey for Nemec, Casey, Gritsyuk, and a first is better than losing him to free agency in 2027.

  6. Omega_Shaman

    Kevin Weekes sucks as a hockey personality but he won zero games in 1998 when Messier was the best player on the Canucks.

  7. workthrowawaybro

    « Benning chose Virtanen over Toffoli » was a dumb narrative.

    Virtanen was an RFA with a qualifying offer so he was just on the backburner while Benning ran out of time or whatever

  8. Blueliner95

    Canucks ownership has been relatively stable and not embarrassing considering some of the tire fires the NHL has had to deal with over the years.

  9. Ruilin96

    This is pretty much a long I hate Beagle & Roussel rant and will lead to downvotes.

    The signing of Beagle and Roussel are worse than the signing of Eriksson. Atleast, given Eriksson’s previous play, he deserve a $6 million cap hit contract. He was a former 30 goal scorer and capable of putting up 60-70 points. No one could’ve seen the significant drop off in production in year 1 of his contract. We all anticipate the drop off would start at around year 3 or 4 but the first 2 years we expected a top 6 forward out of him.

    Meanwhile, Beagle and Roussel’s contracts were bad before the ink was even dry. Base on both of their previous play and the age of when the contract is sign, none of them deserves more than a 2 x 2.5 million at best, let alone a 4 x $3 million they each got. They already got more money they would’ve earned in other markets by signing their contract. And I don’t even have to go into the fact that we really don’t need to sign them at all as there are similar overpaid veterans on other teams that we could trade for to gain assets in prospects/picks.

    Yes, Eriksson’s contract is worse overall, considering all the circumstances, the decision to sign Beagle and Roussel is worse than the decision to sign Eriksson.

    It was extremely selfish of both Beagle and Roussel (in this case more Beagle than Roussel and I will explain in the rest of this paragraph) to want to return and play for their last year of the contract instead of working on something to get on LTIR. Both players had suffered injuries from previous seasons that could’ve qualify them to sit out the last year of their contract on the LTIR if proper steps are taken (e.g. Joffrey Lupul style in Toronto). Instead, both insisted on returning to play which lead to Benning trading for OEL for a last ditch effort to save his job.

    Look at both of their stats heading into 2021-22 season, they likely wouldn’t have even gotten league minimum contract if they were UFAs. They know they aren’t worth their cap hits. They know they won’t be helping the team by returning to play. They signed their contract knowing this could be their last contact before retirement.

    Out of the 2, Roussel is more forgivable because in his first year, he was a pesky 3rd liner and putting up 0.5 PPG and it is so unfortunate how he injured his knee and his play has never been the same since. He played 53 games with Arizona in his last season, and put up 8 points (4G, 4A). He played more than 50% of his team’s game. In the end, he didn’t earn another contract after his last season.

    Beagle ended up playing a total of 33 games for Arizona putting up a whopping 1 goal and 1 assist for 2 points! He has already won a cup in Washington; he has gotten more money in the last 4 years than he could’ve if he signed anywhere else; He doesn’t have to play out his last year of the contract and can just sit on the LTIR to help out the team’s cap situation; not like he was an iron man and played all 82 games the following season, in fact, as mentioned he only played 33 more games, does that even make a difference?! It’s not like he would loose any money by going on the LTIR.

    If both players willing to just sit on the LTIR for the last year of their contract, Canucks wouldn’t have to make the atrocious trade with Arizona. The cap space save on LTIR could be use to bring in short term UFAs to fill roster spots. We could all tolerate one last year of Eriksson and we would still had the 9th OA pick in the 2021 draft. By insisting on returning to play, they both played a part in screwing the team’s window to contend.

    Yes, at the end of the day, Benning still deserves the blame for the state of the team, but Beagle & Roussel (especially Beagle) deserves some blame for the state of this team.

    Now, down vote me all you want as I have said my piece.

  10. ShadowSlothMan

    Nothing annoys me more than Garland’s pointless spin-o-ramas and tight angle/below the goal line shots

  11. TheRealTollah

    Rebuilding means trading Petey, Quinn & Demko, and that’s stupid.

  12. JerbearCuddles

    OEL is not nearly as bad as this sub will have you believe.

  13. Tall_Assistant3418

    Im a long time believer in JT being a good captain candidate. Was always on the trade Bo/keep JT wagon going back two seasons and well before the interview incident.

    Seems many fans hate JT’s unchecked anger and intensity, but Im tired of Canucks captains that are soft. I want to see angry captains that get pissed when we play shiddy because Im now an old salty, impatient fan and can relate more with this attitude.

    JT for captain.
    … Ill show myself the door.

  14. Hestonnnn

    The skates overall a stupid logo.

  15. racesunite

    We complain too much about ownership, Aqua doesn’t mettle as much as people say they do

  16. Cobywan

    Canucks will be in the same spot next year, snared by terrible contracts, bad defence and 1 line of offence. Plus Demko will get injured for playing too many games after standing on his head once again. Canucks will also win games at the end of a meaningless season only to crash out of a decent pick. Its been like this for 10 years. The bubble playoffs were bullshit, the team was trending out of a playoff spot, and wouldnt of been playing if the season didnt end abruptly.

  17. Weekly-Sheepherder-1

    Tyler Myers will be the reason the Canucks win a playoff series

  18. LittleDogPockets

    the Messier hate is overblown

    the skate is one of the worst logos in the leagues history and is the worst in team history.

    We have one of the better ownership’s in the league, Say what you will but he At least wants the team to do well and not trend water Or almost drown (see arizona)

    They’re going to be just as bad as this year at best next year just with more expensive wingers.

  19. Passaglia05

    Pat Quinn was a great head coach but a very overrated GM.

  20. Sager_STAPLES

    Drafting Trevor Linden was a mistake when you look at the talent available in his draft year. If Linden played on non-shitty teams he would have struggled to be a regular 3rd liner. He will never be in the hockey hall of fame because he was a mediocre player.

    Anyone who says they’d rather have Linden than :
    Teemu Selanne, Jeremy Roenick, Rod Brind’amour, Rob Blake, Mark Recchi
    Is smoking crack.

  21. Podkolzins_a_Canuck

    We have no ugly jerseys, just jerseys that challenged the status quo, and the people that call those jerseys ugly are squares afraid of risk.

  22. PaperMoonShine

    I kind of want the team to start slow again at the start of next season. Just to watch the chaos.

  23. Podkolzins_a_Canuck

    Elias Pettersson could eclipse Leon Draisaitl if everything goes right for this core

  24. GoldenChest2000

    That OEL has no hope of rebounding based on the past 4.5 seasons of his play and the numerous leg injuries he has incurred over the course of his career (and in his Canucks tenure alone he broke his foot, got some sort knee injury last year and was out for a quarter of this season with a rolled ankle)

  25. brodiefilm

    Tinfoil hat time but I think Brandon Sutter was the reason for the “country club” mentality problem in the locker room. He didn’t seem to take anything seriously here but was handed an A and a big contract, then was a mentor for Horvat and that trickled down during Bo’s captaincy.

  26. flamingdragonwizard

    Trade Petey if the return is good. He likely demands 10-12m over 8 years and who knows how that contract turns out to be. He’s been a career 65-70 pt player aside from this year. If we can get multiple great value picks, prospects and or vets. That’s great.

  27. posu68

    The rebuild that people seem desperate for is a terrible idea. I would rather we try a retool and keep the likes of Hughes, Petterson and Demko; surely a rebuild means we lose them?

  28. MarvelousOxman

    You guys like the skate because it’s trendy and nostalgic. It’s a fad. If they switched to it full time, you’d quickly hate it and want to switch to whatever else becomes the flavour of the month.

  29. Give-Me-The-Bat

    Canucks fans making a villain out of Kessler for wanting a trade to one team but fawning over Luongo for doing the same is crazy

  30. Wp0606

    Our league worst penalty kill is our only problem. If we improve that we would be a playoff team

  31. steven09763

    Shit you literally chose violence today

  32. nite_awol

    Francesco Aquilini is one of the best owners in the league.

  33. Griswaldthebeaver

    They should sell high on Demko

  34. xizrtilhh

    Podkolzin will never live up to the fanbases’s expectations.

  35. QuaidCohagen

    The canucks will be in the same position ten years from now

  36. badsleepover

    Pettersson won’t be playing for the team 5 years from now.

  37. CocoonMaN

    They’re going to suck for a very long time

  38. nukfan94

    Lu’s number should *obviously* be retired.

  39. BandAidGanG

    Patrick Allvin is steadily proving himself as one of the best GM’s on franchise history and the needle is pointed straight up for the first time in forever. (I’m 100% serious, this guy is on point with his vision & his execution)

  40. championchipcookie

    The result of failing to commit to a proper rebuild when players like Pettersson and Hughes were first drafted (or at any point in the last decade, really) is that it’s probably already set in stone that their primes will be wasted here.

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