@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Le PLUS GRAND succès de ces séries éliminatoires de la LNH

Quel match de hockey ! Ce match 4 était une situation à faire ou mourir pour les Hurricanes de la Caroline affrontant les Panthers de la Floride. Celui-ci a eu beaucoup d’action qui comprenait l’un des plus grands succès que vous verrez jamais et à mon avis, le plus grand de ces séries éliminatoires de la LNH jusqu’à présent. Sam Bennett a porté un coup massif à Jaccob Slavin dans la partie des Hurricanes alors que Slavin était clairement victime d’une commotion cérébrale. Ayant du mal à se relever, il quitterait ce match. Quant au match, il était proche de la toute fin avec de gros buts, des arrêts, une lance de Brent Burns sur tkachuk et qui d’autre que Tkachuk marquerait tard pour terminer le balayage de la série de 4 matchs alors que les Panthers de la Floride devenaient la Conférence de l’Est. championnes ! Je vais jeter un coup d’œil à cela et à tout le reste de ce qui a été un excellent match éliminatoire de la LNH ! #hockey #nhl #nhlplayoffs #highlights #carolinahurricanes #floridapanthers


  1. I have been screaming we are going to the finals for three months now. The grit, relentless forechecking (Bennet decapitation in 1st period), great goaltending and a coach who is out coaching every counterpart. It’s wonderful and nobody gave it to us, we took it from the Bruins, Leafs and Canes and we will win the cup regardless of who we go against.

  2. If it wasn't Bennett I'd say the head on head contact was just bad luck and the hit was clean… However, it was indeed Bennett, so I can't help feeling like he intentionally headbutted Slavin since that's 100% something Bennett would do.

  3. Clean hit, but looks like the concussion happened when he hit the boards/ground. Hockey helmets are trash and need to be updated. The guys would be safer wearing bike helmets.

  4. It is too bad that NHL permits these kind of hard hits injuring players??? something is going to have to be done about them. and NHL says they want to protect the players? while they let players hit with intention of injuring? not credible one bit. and by the way I am not a Panther fan. Time to clean up HNL hockey. the health of the players is at risk here. How can anyone beleive the NHL when they say it is important to protect the players ????? it was a legal check!!!!! maybe the rule says that but the rule is sick and is hypocrit at the same time.

  5. Time for Rod to get the boot….too many regular season dominance and nothing to show for it..

  6. Perhaps the tighest sweep in NHL history. Canes played their hearts out and weren't rewarded with a single W, heartbreaking.

  7. This is the cleanest hit bennet has thrown in his life… guy is dirty as shit but can’t hate on that hit

  8. Bennett sent that man to the twilight zone. Keep ya head on a swivel.

  9. He had more chance to prepare for that hit than Pavelski did when Dumba hit him in round one. At least he actually had the puck too.

  10. The thing that bothers me is no one does anything to Bennett. Try to injure him everytime he touches the puck

  11. Wow u mean Bennet giving out concussions with no repercussions…I'm totally shock. I'm sure the NHL player safety will give him a stern talking to n maybe wag their finger at him.

  12. This makes no sense. The Panthers weren't even supposed to make the playoffs. The Pens had to win just 1 game in their final 2 regular season games versus the lowest ranked teams in Chicago and Columbus and they'd be in and Panthers out. Pens LOST both games and Panthers made it in. Then they are down 1-3 in the series against the greatest regular season NHL team in history and they somehow overcome that and now on the way to the Cup finals? WTF? This truly makes you wonder how many other 9th or 10th seeded teams could have won the cup in the past.

  13. That hit ranked right up there with the Gudas hit on the Leaf.

  14. It's not hard to watch, it's beautiful, stop going soft. These guys get paid millions to play a sport and the body is capable of taking and recovering from these hits 99% of the time.

  15. The game was over right there. I said it out loud. There wasn’t a single man on the bench to take up for his teammate. You HAVE to respond, clean hit or not. And it was clean. But just no response. They were defeated right there.

  16. Man I feel for any Canes fans out there, that might be the closest series I’ve ever seen, and they still couldn’t just get one win.

  17. I think the hit wasn’t dirty, but it wasn’t “clean” necessarily either as their helmets definitely collided before the shoulder and chest. I don’t think it was intentional at all, just unfortunate.

  18. I understand it was technically a penalty, but it was 200 feet from the attacking zone and didn’t really affect the play !
    Shouldn’t have been called based on everything in these playoffs

  19. i think that hit sent him into the 2025 playoffs. he woke up and didn't even know he was in a hockey game. head on front of head, then side of head on boards, then back of head on ice….he gets up and does a flaceplant into the bar on the bottom of the net. poor guy is gonna be really damaged by all that brain jostling in every direction. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP ^^^^^

  20. Same hit same spot that andrei’s clean hit on lindholm last year in the playoffs btw the goalie will try to help the player to get up after being hit

  21. And they did a little feel good show before the game about slavin adopting a daughter then Bennett rocks him less than 5 minutes in

  22. Mirror image of the Boychuck hit on Coburn, different results…I couldn't believe Coburn got back up on his own legs.

  23. I know this is an old fashioned take and the NHL wants to get rid of enforcers and fighting all together but the Canes would have really benefited from having a big grinder or enforcer on their 4th line. Some one who isnt afraid to start a fight and punish opposing teams for hits like these, even if theyre clean. It sends a clear message: f*** with us at your own peril. Now they have one of their allstars injured and nothing to show for it because they dont want to take penalties (NHL officiating is already a joke at best anyway)

    For proof of what the NHL would look like without fighting just look at the recent leg-skate incident on Nino Niedereiter in the IIHF

  24. That was a hit. Slavin looked like he was out for a second there as he hit the wall.

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