@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Corne de but des Penguins de Pittsburgh 2014-2015

(Sirène de but des Penguins de Pittsburgh) Corne de qualité supérieure, coups de corne plus longs. Les enclos utilisent Kernkraft 400 pour la saison 2014-2015. Ça sonne pas mal, mais à mon avis, Kernkraft 400 est trop attaché aux Bruins et c’est pourquoi les autres équipes ne devraient pas l’utiliser. Chanson : Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 400 (Stadium Chant Remix) Vignette réalisée par Frozen Faceoff : http://www.frozenfaceoff.net/ SUIVEZ-MOI SUR TWITTER : https://twitter.com/NHHLHornsSongs Avertissement : Je n’essaierai pas de gagner profiter de cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. I really dont care all that much but people forget that the leafs have used kernkraft before the bruins have, just saying.

  2. Pathetic
    Shitsburg can't come up with their own goal song so they have to go copy the Boston Bruins LMFAO


  4. Loominati confirmed 🔼🔽▶◀▶🔽🔽🔼🔼▶◀🔽🔼🔽▶◀▶🔽🔼🔽▶◀🔽🔼▶◀🔽▶◀🔼🔽▶🔼◀🔼🔽◀🔽🔼🔼🔼🔽🔽▶▶◀▶▶▶▶▶🔼🔽🔽

  5. All these people saying they stole it from the Bruins. How many teams actually use this song now? A hell of a lot. Probably longer than the Bruins too. Get over it. It's a fucking song.

  6. To all you whiny assholes in the comments, many teams use this song, as well as many other songs, and, for all of you Bruins fans, I have two things for you: 1) You stole the song from the Leafs. 2) Go Blackhawks!! Thanks to Mrs Chelsea Dagger, we won! 🙂 (If you don't know what Chelsea Dagger is you need to go to a Blackhawks game).

  7. For all of you whiney bitches about who "owns" the goal song, leafs or bruins, you can easily compare it to a situation of a player who is drafted by a team, plays one year on, and then moves on to dominate on another team gaining fame and association with that team over the original team. The leafs may use it first, but the bruins use it and have for a while so they have gained the popular thiught that comes to mind when thinkin of the song

  8. I am a habs fan and hate the bruins but really penguins you had to copy the da** song i doesent even fit you

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