@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Twitter d’Elvis ?

Quelqu’un sait ce qui s’est passé ? Tous ces messages sur Twitter disant que nos fans ont fait quelque chose pour le faire supprimer après avoir posté sur la victoire de la Lettonie, mais la seule chose que j’ai trouvée, c’est qu’un Letton se dispute avec lui pour choisir l’argent plutôt que la patrie ? https://twitter.com/mark_scheig/status/1663005847595745280?s=46



  1. whatscoochie

    I don’t know what happened but he really needs to have a thicker skin and be able to take the social media trolls. Which is pretty tame compared to some of the other markets

  2. Hugo_Stiglitz95

    Considering people were making threats to his wife and family in person at games, I do not find it hard to believe that people would say the same, or worse on Twitter.
    Totally ridiculous, and I can’t say I blame him. This isn’t « criticism », and no one should be expected to tolerate that stuff.

  3. Bhalu77

    What other player has this much trouble with fans? He’s such an emotional guy. I remember when he got here, people loved his performance. He treated a veterans family really well. I remember thinking, this is a nice guy but I worried he was naive and vulnerable. Goalie is so in between the ears

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