@Devils du New Jersey

John Hynes a tiré; Brunette embauchée pour devenir le prochain Predators HC

John Hynes a tiré; Brunette embauchée pour devenir le prochain Predators HC



  1. hotstickywaffle

    Dammit. This feels like something we’re going to regret.

  2. thegratefulshred

    Nashville always wants our sloppy seconds.

  3. Cash1m0ney

    Hopefully it doesn’t impact our squad too much.
    If the Preds make a huge leap this year tho some fans are gonna have a fit lol

  4. Down_Rodeo_

    Nope don’t like this gonna regret it

  5. njdevils0011

    We knew it was coming, just happy it wasn’t the rags…not that anyone could actually fix their issues.

  6. haltiamreptar21

    Definitely unfortunate, but Brunette seems to be the most overqualified assistant coach in the league. Silver lining is that he didn’t go to the Rags or one of our other division competitors.

  7. chickenKsadilla

    You know your organization is in a good state when your assistants are getting hired elsewhere. It’s an unavoidable side effect of success. Bottom line is both Bruno and Lindy have earned their opportunities so there was just no other outcome here.

  8. Tacitus_99

    Barry Trotz ain’t messing around.

  9. xxfatpigxx

    Good for Brunette. He was on that inaugural Preds roster under Trotz and Poile (also with GM Fitz as his captain) so it’s a bit of a reunion for him.

    I’m just glad it’s not a team in the East that he’s going to, and with the promise the youth showed in Nashville down the stretch along with Josi, Saros and Forsberg I think he’s in a good spot to grow as a full time head coach.

  10. TheRobberBar0n

    Keeping Lindy meant we were losing Brunette. At least he’s out west. The bright spot is maybe a change of PP scheme?

  11. Fake-Death

    Hynes probably thought he was safe this late into their off-season. Did not see that coming. This is gonna hurt us, won’t sink us but he’s definitely a good coach.

  12. Mry64_

    At least he’s in the west. Hate losing him but this season made it almost impossible to get rid of Lindy (from Fitz’s perspective)

  13. chefboleson

    i like how recchi (deservedly) caught all the flack for the pp but bruno’s 3.2% playoff pp with the cats followed by 16.7% with us is just not talked about. and when bass went out it was exposed night after night for being carried by him. maybe he was responsible for a lot of the team’s success & should’ve taken over ruff, maybe not, we’ll have to see but either way i’m glad this guy’s not in charge of the PP anymore

  14. sanbaba

    The Hynes-stans used to crack me up so hard

  15. gleeson630

    Bring back John Hynes as assistant lol

  16. Harrisonmonopoly

    Who takes his place???

  17. JRZshore37

    Jack loves Lindy and Bruno is too good to sustainably be an assistant coach

  18. Effinehright

    Too bad for John, good on Andrew.

  19. NoMudNoLotus17

    Are we the preds coaching farm system or something?

    Hopefully this means Sarge is behind the bench, or maybe a promotion for Dineen

  20. BlueBeagle8

    Good for him, I’m glad that he’s getting an opportunity and that it’s far away from the Metro division.

    I won’t pretend to know too much about the Predators’ long term prospects, but personally I wouldn’t bet against Barry Trotz.

  21. antnythr

    Any chance this means bringing Dineen up from Utica?

  22. hall_bot

    I feel like this is gonna get swept under the rug and be 100x more important than any of us think. We just got talent poached by a team with no fucking talent whatsoever besides Josi and Saros man. What’s next, my local fucking McDonalds takes our other assistants?

  23. Longjumping-Lawyer17

    Brunette definitely improved our PP so I’m not glad he’s gone- but improvement was a low bar to what he came into and even with the improvement the PP was still disappointing for the talent that we put on the ice for PP.

    Hope they maybe look at promoting Sarge, in any case hope the PP improves even more this coming season.

  24. dishler712

    He was never gonna stay an assistant forever. The news of Ruff staying pretty much solidified Brunette was gone.

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