@Blues de Saint-Louis

Rivalités : Chicago Blackhawks vs St. Louis Blues

Ils se sont rencontrés à maintes reprises au cours des quatre dernières décennies en séries éliminatoires. Les Blues érodent l’avantage que les Hawks ont eu dans les chiffres de tous les temps. Utilisez le code « thgsentme » sur Bench Clearers pour 10% de réduction :: https://benchclearers.com/?aff=7&fbclid=IwAR17EPrmSq70Qy24SEfLQo6TNUng_5fkdhl-4Afcmjo6vd2lyp9diuCtKFA Utilisez le code THG25 chez Elite Prospects pour obtenir 25% de réduction sur vos trois premiers mois de prime adhésion sur leur site du 1er au 7 d’un mois donné. https://www.eliteprospects.com/register Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Rejoignez le serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/EeB4xrJ https://www.facebook. com/youtubehockeyguy/ Suivez-moi sur Twitter : @shansboomstick Instagram : youtube_thehockeyguy TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes PO Box 746 Ferndale, État de Washington 98248


  1. Regardless of the records, Blues vs. Hawks and Cards vs. Cubs are always heated affairs. Great video!

  2. As a native Chicagoan and a lifelong Blackhawks fan, it was good to see the Blues win the Cup finally. We have had our battles in the past and will have battles again in the future, but it was nice to see the Cup go to a Midwest city and team. We may be rivals but we are also Midwesterners and as such we are respectful to our competition.

  3. as a St Louisian I had season tickets back in the Keenan era.. Man we hated him. A buddy of mine use to say he was gunna rip his suit off at the end of the year as have a Blackhawks Jersey under it.

  4. oh, the old black and blue division anyone remembers the days… and it was more than colors it was hard fought battles meaning fights.. the whole division

  5. The Cubs/Cards rivalry is polite. The Hawks/Blues rivalry is anything but.

  6. I was at the St. Patrick’s Day Massacre. It was at The Arena (or as it was known, the old barn). Not a lot of elbow room there. So, tight quarters combined with beer sales right up to the end of the game and you can imagine what happened…There were almost as many fights in the stands as there were on the ice that night.

  7. One minor point: there was never really an NFL equivalent. The Rams and the Bears were not in the same division. No real animosity there.

  8. I’ve been a literal lifelong Blues fan. We had season tickets since yr.1, when Dan Kelly and Gus Kyle calling the games we’re just as entertaining as the game! 😂 Throughout my life I’ve seen fights in the stands, Chicago fans bus overturned here in STL…as much violence outside the holy “Old Barn” as inside! Most of this was during the Scotty Bowman years…the blood/violence between the fans seemed to calm down after Scotty was gone. It is a true rivalry, most old time Blues fans have more of a visceral reaction to the Blackhawks, but that’s from living/experiencing the early bloody days! I’ve lived in both states, my friends are mostly split…but, I will say, ALL the Blackhawks fans I know we’re truly happy for the Blues and weren’t afraid to vocalize and congratulate the Blues! I’d like to think I’d be that classy, but…?! My brother and I both agreed we can die happy now, WE DID IT!! 💙💛🎵🏒🥅🚨🥂🍾💙💛

  9. Can you do the classic New York/New York rivalry? They’re some of the best games to watch especially with some of the guys I live with being ranger fans

  10. As a Stars fan it sucks because we don't really have a big rivalry with anyone like other teams have. I guess we have a rivalry with teams like the Blackhawks and the Wild but it's not nearly as heated as some of these other great rivalries

  11. I was at a lot of those playoff games, including the sweep final. Notable for Belfour's unhappiness with the scramble that led to the OT winner. He felt like he was interfered with. When the ref ignored him, he smashed his stick on the goal and refused to get in the handshake line. Good times.

  12. 2017 Winter Classic. Blues own the Hawks right now. The rivalry seems a little lopsided lately.

  13. A Blues/Blackhawks game in the old barn…… man there were more fights in the stands than on the ice! So many great memories. My favorite is when we swept them in the playoffs. Belfour was irate!

  14. I currently work for a company that my department has a site in Chicago, so the jabbing back and forth between me and the rest of them makes for good times.

  15. My friends dad got put in the hospital after a fight in the old blackhawks stadium bathroom back in the 90’s after a blues v blackhawks game (we’re stl fans)

  16. As a die hard St Louis Blues fan, I married a Chicago Blackhawks fan. . .Lets just say playoff season gets a little tense in this house hold. 😅

  17. I just love the NHL for its many rivalries. Toronto vs Boston, Washington vs Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh vs Philadelphia, Toronto vs Montreal, Montreal vs Boston, Chicago vs St. Louis, Calgary vs Edmonton, Colorado vs Detroit, NY Rangers vs Boston, NY Rangers vs NY Islanders, Boston vs Hartford, and the most recent Vegas vs San Jose and Winnipeg vs Nashville. Which ones have I missed?

  18. I guess it's because I'm a younger fan but I've never really hated the Hawks. Do I want to pound them into the dirt everytime we play? Absolutely! But I can't hate them. Now, Dallas or Nashville? HATE EM, HATE EM, HATE EM.

  19. That 93 series was memorable because it was a 1 vs 8 and the Hawks had a dominant team. CuJo stole the series….

  20. When I first began watching hockey the Hawks were THE rival but that began to change to the Red Wings in the mid 90’s. I was convinced the Red Wings had some kind of soviet underpinnings as they wore red and white and put together a team of Russians.

  21. As a Blues fan who went to a Hawks college I saw some great things rivalry-wise. It's kinda funny how the Cubs finally win a pennant and the Blues win a cup. Hopefully the rivalry doesn't die any.

  22. (Blackhawks fan here since '93). I really enjoy the StL-Chicago rivalry. I've been to StL to watch Cards vs. Cubs. Great ballpark and lots of friendly banter, no issues. I actually was cheering for Blues to win the Cup. (Amazing sports story, selling the excitement and greatness of NHL). You had 1 of the most exciting 2nd half reg season and playoff run, PLUS, StL has been a great hockey town. You seem to pack your stadium nearly every game and for decades. (Patrick in Chicago)

  23. Being a Blackhawks fan I cant stand the blues, the worst thing I dealt with last cup run. But I enjoy watching the cardinals run trains on the Cubs last regular season was a treat watching the cubs get rocked on the regular by them

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