@Blues de Saint-Louis

Detroit Red Wings contre St. Louis Blues Brawl 1991

Dave Lowry contre Joey Kocur Bob Bassen contre Gerard Gallant Glen Featherstone contre Doug Houda Rich Sutter contre Steve Yzerman (rugueux) – Bagarre de hockey de la LNH 25 janvier 1991


  1. wow! Yves Racine, Glen Featherstone, Paul Ysebaert, those are some names, I hadn't of in a while…*sigh* the joys of the old Norris division…

  2. id NEVER seen gerard gallant being so diplomatic then, sho nuff hes got two guys by their sweaters

  3. I don't care what the announcer says Kocur didn't suckered punch any member of the blues, if he did there would have been a knock out look at the list of his ko's

  4. early 90s blues were just as dirty as chicago back then. Yeah these announcers were definitely smoking crack.

  5. This was one of the first hockey games I remember watching. I fell in love with the wings after this game. What a great game to introduce me to the sport. The wings and the avs were my favorite rivalry of all time. Darren McCarty !!!! Bob Probert !!!!

  6. Ahh the "Chuck" Norris Division it was fun watching the Red Wings Blues Blackhawks Maple Leafs and North Stars beat up each other #LGRW

  7. I like how it's ok for sutter to hit someone when there not looking but it's a sucker punch when kocur hit brown I love dumb announcers

  8. Always good to see notorious spot picker and future New York Rangers coach Gerard Gallant getting involved……….

  9. Got pretty dangerous around the 2-minute mark. They were always smart to just let the guys wear themselves out.

  10. "Kocur suckered Brown from behind…don't know why he did that.."
    That's what KOCUR did. No surprise.

  11. ESPN anchor Chris Berman always referred to the NFC Central Division as the Norris Division, because of how rough and tough, physical, all the teams hate each other, etc. He knows what he's talking about.

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