@Canucks de Vancouver

Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais Kypreos suggère Demko comme gardien de but qui « pourrait être disponible » pour la cible des Leafs.

Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais Kypreos suggère Demko comme gardien de but qui « pourrait être disponible » pour la cible des Leafs.



  1. Just a dumb Leaf fantasy. Ignore it.

  2. asoiahats

    Giving up Demko would require not only a huge haul, but they’d have to take OEL off of our hands. It’s never going to happen.

  3. canucklesupreme

    Not now. 3 years from now maybe… if Silovs is ready to take the starting job.

  4. TheRealTollah

    Kypreos does not use sources to create these claims. He just pulls shit out of thin air.

    Demko rumors last year + an overactive imagination

  5. 21marvel1

    Psssssst, Nick doesn’t know what he is talking about, ever

  6. Leafs fantasizing about finally having a good goalie. Nothing new.

  7. elrizzy

    On one hand, Kypreos usually just likes being inflammatory and making stuff up.

    On the other hand, saying « Brad Treliving is almost assuredly coveting a Vancouver Canuck right now » is possibly the most truthful thing you can say in all of hockey.

  8. CtrlShiftAltDel

    He’s talking out of his ass as usual to get the Vancouver clicks

  9. Igniter08

    That’s why he has no platform anymore

  10. TexanDrillBit

    Bounced his head off the ice a little too hard.

  11. julesieee

    LMAO 😂 Demko’s very brief mention in that article was absolutely random and unnecessary. It’s like Kypreos was trying to make it to 1000 words but was short on the word count so threw in Demko’s name in there and a bunch of words and clicked SEND.

  12. Jazzlike_Kick_5434

    Now is not the time to trade Demko. Maybe in a year or two if Silovs continues to develop and looks ready to take over the starter job.

  13. JunoVC

    Just leafs fan fiction, they just assume all the players want to go there.

  14. ANarrowUrethra

    Mathews for Demko and Miller?

    Treliving looking for a re-do on the Ktachuk trade

  15. DamnIHateThat

    Something like Demko to Edmonton for Skinner and picks, then flip the picks and xxx for a defenseman. That kinda thinking should be on the table, I would hope.

  16. epochlink

    Didn’t Kypreos declare the 2011 Canucks the biggest war criminals since the Bush Administration? Fuck that bitch ass mother fucker what he says, guy was shit as a player.

  17. superschaap81

    Cause Kypreos is a Maple Leaf homer that likes to imagine everyone WANTS to be in TO.

  18. Vanrainy1

    Kypreos came up with that one between pushes during his good morning dump. Garbadge.

  19. JerbearCuddles

    Probably for the same reason Demko was a Pittsburgh target as well. Despite what management has said, a lot of analysts believe rebuilding is the direction we’re gonna take. Miller’s name was thrown out there as trade possibility as well. Again, despite the fact management has made it quite clear we’re not looking to rebuild. Hronek trade made that loud and clear.

    Also, a lot of folks, fans included, are of the mindset we can just run Silovs cause he had a good Worlds run and a good year in the A. But this feels very reminiscent of the fanbase anointing Eddie Lack as the heir apparent. We probably shouldn’t put the cart ahead of the horse. We should let him continue to develop more before we sell off the only good goalie we have in the org.

  20. BrodyCanuck

    Click bait for Vancouver and leafs attention

  21. PaperMoonShine

    One Auston Matthews, please.

  22. Cisco9

    The why is because the TO media thinks they are the center of the universe and the other 31 teams are just there to give them what they crave.

  23. crap4you

    Sometime, I wonder if Kypreos is still suffering the effects from the concussion.

  24. bobwong128

    Anyone with a brain would want demko doesn’t mean they’ll get him though

  25. DJ_Molten_Lava

    Because Kypper is, and always has been, an idiot. He just says things. The guy is brutal.

  26. Semprovictus

    because he is a moron with no rational thought that’s why.

  27. gb1993

    Lol whenever the local blog or writers write their fan fiction it’s okay. But Toronto guy does it, it’s dumb?

  28. twizzjewink

    Yeah.. Demko is available..

    for a price that’s FAR HIGHER than anything the leafs would be willing to part with.

  29. Dash_Rendar425

    Typical Nick Kypreos, he spouts fantastical shit like this all the time in the TO market.

  30. NotoriousBananaHavoc

    HA Kypreos has his head so far up his ass it’s not even funny anymore

  31. Miruzzz

    OEL + Demko for Nylander and 3rd rounder?

  32. great_save_luongo

    In addition to Demko Crosby and McDavid and McKinnon will all join the Leafs too and they will a million Stanley cups in a row.

    Kypreos is an annoying hack. His ranting about Dubas after the Leafs let him go was absolutely ridiculous. But people are right he’s just saying stupid stuff to drum up attention and clicks.

  33. Shironye

    Wait, people still listen to him?

  34. tripcy

    Demko for Matthews… You know what… I still wouldn’t take that trade. Goalies are FAR more valuable for playoffs than forwards. Takes star forwards to get you IN the playoffs, but a takes a star goalie to win you a cup.

  35. DaJebus77

    Dream on centre of the universe, dream on!

  36. JW98_1

    Kypreos. You see that name…you move on so you don’t waste your time.

  37. Intensemarkgormley

    Well they’re clearly not going scorched earth, so the Canucks definitely aren’t trading away the only goalie they have that’s a proven NHL starter after going without him for half of last year and having some of the worst netminding in the entire league.

  38. championchipcookie

    Kypreos is a doofus who HNIC rightly dumped.

  39. TheFoundation_

    Take anything kipper says with a Jupiter sized grain of salt

  40. Sager_STAPLES

    Good idea.

    Get rid of Demko and get a good goalie like Aiden Hill.

  41. Squancher_2442

    Because Kypreos is a complete moron. He has been wrong about almost anything Canucks related he’s ever spoken about.

  42. Largebargecharge

    No chance he goes to another Canadian market

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