@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Les Canes pleurent la perte de Bob Brind’Amour, père de Rod, décédé jeudi. Nos pensées vont à toute la famille Brind’Amour.

Les Canes pleurent la perte de Bob Brind’Amour, père de Rod, décédé jeudi. Nos pensées vont à toute la famille Brind’Amour.



  1. foxphace

    Damn, RIP. Could you guys imagine if we were actually in the final and Rod was having to go through this?

  2. DrHereCanConfirm

    It irritates me to no end that Rod is not in the Hall of Fame. If it happens, his dad won’t be around to see it and I know Rod has made a passing comment to the same.

  3. gooch_norris_

    Not that it’s any of my business but was this unexpected? Was he sick? I had no idea if so but again it’s totally none of my business

  4. Dry-Gulch-Slim

    Dude the beginning of this title almost gave me a heart attack.

  5. connor8383


    Not that that makes this any less unfortunate

    RIP OG Brindy🕊️

  6. SchrodingersHipster

    Oof. It’s never easy losing a loved one. Sending love to the Brind’Amour family’s way.

  7. JustPuffinAlong

    Thoughts/hugs/prayers/well wishes to Rod and family. We love him like family, and he lost one of his.

  8. The_Reddit_Browser

    Fuck this league man.

    Can’t believe after all these years Rod can’t make the hall and have his father see him inducted.

    Literally worked his whole life for this and now if he ever gets in he won’t have the person who influenced him the most, there at his induction.

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