@Stars de Dallas

Discussion gratuite vendredi

Discussion gratuite vendredi



  1. doihavetowearabra

    Sorry guys, not really feeling it today.

    I hope everyone has a safe Pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

  2. gentleman_bronco

    Brutal week getting knocked out. I hate to see the boys with long faces, especially the beauties. But there were some amazing takeaways from this run and full season: Harley is ready for a full time spot. Wyatt is certified. Robo keeps Robo-ing. Hintz clearly does better with long hair. Looking forward to the minors, Stankoven had a fantastic year and memorial cup run. Him, Seminoff (another prospect of ours nbd) and Zellweger (Anaheim) really took the Blazers kicking and screaming as far as they could. But we’ve also got Gavin White (RD) still in with Peterborough tonight against Seattle. He’s definitely one to keep an eye on this coming training camp (moreso than Kyrou imo). I’m really looking forward to development and training camp; I’ve got a couple weeks of PTO in the bank and am really hoping to make it work with the dates when they are released. I want to see Bichsel and Grushnikov.

    Hot take: As far as the Stanley Cup is concerned, I’m rooting for Vegas. No bad blood with them from my perspective and my local ECHL is their affiliate. It would be awesome for the city. It’s their first year as an expansion and growing hockey in the low country south is hard.

    Oh, and happy pride month to y’all!

  3. itsmanda

    Lost my sand volleyball playoff game too last night and I really wanted that W after the Stars lost. Oh well, onto next season for both of us.

    Anyone know when injury list is coming out?

  4. erin1551

    Happy Pride Month!! Hope you’ll all have a happy and safe month. I’m so glad June started, I had such a horrible May, I was so looking forward for it to end

  5. scoutcjustice

    oh… the first Free Talk Friday of the offseason kinda caught me off guard and right in the feels.

  6. aZombieSlayer

    Packed up my jerseys and Stars gear for another season save for a tshirt and my Victor E. Green plush.

    Sucks not seeing the boys play in June, but I’m sincerely proud of their season and their playoff run. A definite learning experience for all and I’m feeling like only good things will be happening for a very long time!

  7. BennBishop

    It’s been such a long week. Saw Texas, Dallas, and now Kamloops lose. It was tough to see Stankoven’s reaction after the game last night.

    The only light still left in the season is with the Steelheads. Let’s cheer them on through the finals of the Kelly Cup!

  8. dankpuckk

    We had a good year. Next year looks brighter IMO. Just some tweaks and we have a championship ready team.

    Anyone in here play in a DFW beer league? I’m learning to skate and want to find chill dudes to learn the game with.

  9. ahg989

    Have they released all the playoff injuries yet?

  10. chucknorrisinator

    Can anyone recommend a Stars-specific podcast? I would also take a generic NHL pod if it’s really good. I want to stay tuned in during the off-season.

  11. TrandleDandopolos

    It all still feels like a bad dream. I don’t understand how the same team that hung 4 on vegas where they live came home and shit themselves to death. I’ve fully hopped on the Panthers bandwagon though. Anyone but Vegas really. I wish we’d played Edmonton…

  12. Joshawa66

    The loss still stings. Definitely need to improve our D and get a backup goalie for otter!

  13. larue555

    I am a Red Wings fan but I am so excited for the Stars future. Y’all have some amazing young players. If nothing else this was a good experience for them and they will be ready to step up next time. I think y’all will be back in the WCF next season. Good luck!

  14. TealHousewife

    I see a chiropractor* a few times a month and we talk hockey a lot. He tells everyone he’s an Avs fans since we live in Colorado, but he’s actually a Red Wings fan. I guess he’s been watching the Stars since he knows they’re my team and gave me his condolences when I saw him Tuesday, lol.

    (I know chiropractors are controversial, but I see him for myofascial release and not adjustments. He’s basically the only reason I’m able to function and be mobile at all, and I think it’s so sweet he watches my team so we have something to talk about while he works on me.)

  15. sail0rvenus

    Happy Pride everyone! Still so proud we have a captain that stood up for the community. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

  16. buschwacker43

    How is tufte looking on chances of being a full time piece for the stars or is he going to be more of a depth player with extended time in the AHL. I don’t get to keep up with the Texas stars much but seems like I’ve heard good things about him

  17. Duhstee

    It was an extremely busy week at work. No one at work bothered me about the Game 6 loss which was nice. Ready for my trip to Vancouver, Canada in two weeks as it is much deserved.

  18. DontThrowAKrissyFit

    The loss sucks, but I’m going to still watch the Stanley Cup Finals. It will be too long without NHL hockey if I don’t. If Vegas wins the series, I may turn off the TV before the Cup celebrations.

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