@Blues de Saint-Louis

St.Louis Blues Power Play Song

La chanson Power Play du St. Louis Blues


  1. The QMJHL's Cape Breton Screaming Eagles use this very song for their power play, even including the "It's time for an Ameren UE Power Play!" portion, which makes no sense because Ameren UE doesn't operate in Nova Scotia.

  2. 🙆‍♂️🤷‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤷‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤷‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤷‍♂️ powerplay dance

  3. Calgary 32 5 minute charging penalty and a 10 minute game of conduct Calgary 19 double minor high sticking

  4. Lets go blues hi Louie bear. I love you Louie be a r. Lets go blue keep in touch on f ace book tina cat lady hermen face book.. Lets go blues goals beat up hockey players.

  5. St Louis Blues power play ' beat up Detorite red wings. I love you. I love you Louie bear

  6. Lets go blues. Beat up Detorite red wing
    Boo. On l hate Detorite r ed wing. I love you Patrick. Beat up better bleed blue beat up Detorite red wings. Punch out black eye.

  7. Hi Patrick what's up this year 2021 l hope you get stanley cup good luck pat rick beat up Detorite. Red wings . l love you. Patrick.

  8. Dear patrick. Hi how are you doing. Today l am just fine boo. Chicago black hawks. Lets go blues . My brother Johnny got marriedjuly 25 2019 last summer my sister-in-law. Elisa. Herman.my. favorite tv emergency&bay watch. Boo old goat dorite red red wings boo on scott steiner.

  9. Lets go blues Patrick Beat up. Detorite. Red wings better bleed. Blue . l hate Chicago black hawks beat up them ok l hate. Both team. L love my st louis blues . hey. Patrick. Has beat. Up . do you. Still. Like my favorite tv shows batman &Chips .my. Favorite team colors blue & white &yellow .
    Keep in touch.

  10. Dear. Patrick_
    Hello ! How are. You Doing today how's life? Do you still like St Louis Blues. Blues & white &yellow. I love you patrick.do you still Like. St Louis Blues. Blues white &yellow. Do you still Like st louis blues power play. Do. You still like St Louis Blues lets go blues . Beat up Keith Rogers . do you still like St Louis Blues Blues &white yellow. I lets. Go. Blues . Do you. Still Like st louis blues blue &white & yellow.

  11. Lets go blues!!! 😰 l love you Patrick . do. You. Still Like. St. Louis Blues fan.🐭

  12. Dear. Louie. Be ar_
    Hello ! How are you doing today. I am just fine. Do you still Like st louis blues . Lets go. Blues . 💝

  13. How many Blues fans dropped what they were doing and started doing the Power Play dance just now? raises hand

  14. im so sad i moved away from stl bro,i loved going too these games and pumping my arms with the crowd

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