@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Toronto Maple Leafs Tribute – Round 1 Playoff Demons Exorcised

Salut les gars! Je suis vraiment ravi de pouvoir enfin télécharger cette vidéo des Maple Leafs de Toronto exorcisant enfin leurs démons du premier tour des séries éliminatoires en marquant en prolongation par nul autre que leur capitaine John Tavares. S’il vous plaît laissez un like sur cette vidéo, commentez et abonnez-vous pour rester à l’écoute pour plus de vidéos comme celle-ci à l’avenir. Les musiques que j’ai utilisées dans cette vidéo sont « The Way » de Zack Hemsey et « Convergeance » d’Audiomachine. Veuillez consulter ces chaînes sympas sur Micahistory 2 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-1RPPT4s5ShXKjZbwN6qg Epic Music Hub : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMeHCKq14VgekfBw3jk4qQ Demographia : https://www. youtube.com/channel/UCGyUzmQ75OIOCgEIBcHrNXQ Le traditionaliste : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTTUFuHnr7jDeDRLjfLihpQ et les flux EU4 de Micah : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC199JYUND1F0eHedMj511-A


  1. Hey guys. I really hope you enjoyed this video. Please leave it a like and subscribe for more content like this.
    Also hockey fans, which Canadian team is more likely to win the Cup? Like for Toronto, comment for Edmonton

  2. A tribute lol, this was one of the saddest Leaf " great moments " in their history.

  3. Someone needs to tell Sid Sexeiro to shut the fuck up. The guy is not a Leafs fan. He’s a piece of shit Toronto media dirtbag who doesn’t know a thing. Someone put him out of his misery.

  4. It’s finally happened, and I could not be more proud of the boys. Game 7, I was in Chicago, at a soccer game. I watched the whole game on my phone, and it was the last minute of the soccer game and the team didn’t get the result they wanted, and I confused everyone by screaming my ass off at the leafs game.

  5. Ok, I could only watch about one and a half minutes of this and quit. I hate this. Don;t need to be reminded of the pain. Got the message, we move on. I thought this was going to be an unabashed Leafs glorious love in. That's all I care about. I am a True Believer!!!

  6. AMAZING video man… I just relived all my memories watching those past playoff series from19 years back. Thank u

  7. Losing against the Habs was by far the most embarasing. Most of those series they were a younger team or at least on par with who they were facing. They should have been skating circles around the Habs.

  8. I can accept the losses to Boston or to Wasington, even the last year against the Lightning where they played their hearts out and the Lightning just barely edged them out, it happens.. What I couldn't accept was the Loss to the Habs. They looked like garbage against a garbage team. They could have skated circles around the Habs, ragged the puck for 60 minutes straight and the Habs would have been helpless. I genuinely considered not bothering to watch the season after that. Coruse I did, but it wasn't until after last years series against the lightning where any real faith was restored in the team.

  9. As a habs fan, seeing the 3-1 comeback brought a tear to my eye. However, im a fan of hockey, and seeing the leafs finally succeed was truly something special

  10. I'll never forgive Fred Andersen for his crimes against this team, most unclutch goalie in history

  11. As a Sens fan, this is the funniest thing in the world, I pray the Sens don’t ever have a streak that bad but u never know, I will say all the other Canadian teams have made multiple trips to the conference finals so if y’all don’t beat Florida, it’s gonna look ugly

  12. Leafs like "we got past the first round!, pack it up boys!"

    Fans and gambling bookers "uhm, there's a second round, and well we kinda jumped the gun and put the odds in your favor"


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