@Canucks de Vancouver

Gary Bettman rapporte que les revenus liés au hockey sont d’environ 6 milliards de dollars cette année. Ce chiffre mettrait un plafond salarial projeté à 93,75 millions (Gardez cela à l’esprit pour les contrats commençant la prochaine saison morte)

Gary Bettman rapporte que les revenus liés au hockey sont d’environ 6 milliards de dollars cette année. Ce chiffre mettrait un plafond salarial projeté à 93,75 millions (Gardez cela à l’esprit pour les contrats commençant la prochaine saison morte)



  1. touchable

    Just to be clear, the second sentence in this tweet is only if you ignore that players still owe escrow (at least through until part of next season). We could see a huge cap jump next season though.

  2. sokkas_intuition

    Oh man petey is gonna get PAID

  3. The projected cap based off 6 billion in HRR is actually even higher. HRR doesn’t determine the cap, it determines the « midpoint », and the actual ceiling is set 15% above that. It’s a major reason why escrow was already running so high pre-covid. When they designed the formula, they made a flawed assumption that teams would converge around the midpoint in spending, but in reality, teams have converged around the ceiling.

    93,750,000 *1.15 = 107,812,500, so the cap should be ~107.8 million if HRR is 6 billion. That’s rough math though since the players’ benefits are taken out of their 50% share when calculating the midpoint, but even still, the ceiling should otherwise have been over 100 mil

    I don’t expect to see the cap catch up to HRR until the escrow debt is paid off though, so we’re looking at like 2026-2027. I would expect to see year over year increases of 4 to 5 million through to the end of the CBA extension though

  4. ndiggiddy

    Come on Alvin quick quick sign petey! 8×11.25m (Pasta deal)

  5. eexxiitt

    Petey is worth every penny but here’s hoping he pulls a sedin and takes less to set an example for all future contracts

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