@Stars de Dallas

La saison des Stars prend fin après une défaite 6-0 | Podcast Spits & Suds

Les Stars ont été éliminés des séries éliminatoires après une défaite de 6-0 contre les Golden Knights de Vegas. Gavin et Sean récapitulent la défaite et expliquent comment les Golden Knights ont donné le ton immédiatement en première période et n’ont jamais regardé en arrière. Sean dit que les Stars ont perdu 3-0 dans la série à cause des actions de Jamie Benn dans le match 3. Les gars n’ont pas vu beaucoup d’occasions de marquer de qualité de la part des Stars dans ce match. Ensuite, ils répondent aux questions des auditeurs qui leur sont envoyées. Téléchargez l’application Audacy pour ne manquer aucun de vos contenus préférés de 105.3 The Fan : https://go.audacy.com/y-listen-live-1053thefan Si vous aimez le contenu vidéo de 105.3 The Fan , laissez-nous un Super Merci de soutenir la station directement ! REGARDER : https://www.audacy.com/1053thefan/fan-cam ou https://twitch.tv/dallasfancam SITE WEB : https://1053thefan.com/ FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/1053thefan TWITTER : https://www.twitter.com/1053thefan Images miniatures avec l’aimable autorisation de Getty Images/USA Today Network. #DallasStars #VegasGoldenKnights #StanleyCupPlayoffs


  1. I disagree. The turning point was game two choking the 2-1 lead. Series is hellaciously diff if they come home 1-1 from LV! Even crapping the bed in 3 they still won 4 and 5 and would’ve come home up 3-2. Instead of fighting for survival the whole series. Would they have won the series? 🤷‍♂️

  2. its not acceptable how everytime theres a big game the stars blow it, until the managment figures whats the real issue, it will happen again anda gain, remmeber game 3 againts the blue in 2016? and game 7 at home in 2016 againts same blues? then that mess where we were leading 4-0 agiants the wild in 2016 in game 6 and almost blew it in the third and then that game 7 ot againts blue in 2019 where jamie benn couldnt put the puck in an empty net to win it, and then him doing that weird crosscheck thing out of nowhere and the use blowing game 3 and game 6 the same exact mirror way and both at home!!! in that same serie we just lost, i know alot of ppl will say were proud of our guys but i cant be proud after we've lost the way we did and being proud wil only result in this team core getting eliminated the same exact way next year, had they lost in a tight game i would of been the proudest but it was no contest last night, just like its been no contest to many times in important games

  3. i have to admit it, and this is something someone spoted a long time ago, and i didnt want to admit because i always like the composure and the class that jamie has, but we will never win with him on our team, its systematic the counter effort we get with him as a captain and the lack of leanring and push back after big lossses

  4. Credit Vegas to a CERTAIN STANDPOINT. IDC if Dallas shit the bed… Vegas was clicking and firingnon all cylinders. 6-0 is a result of Vegas being in juggernaut mode AND Dallas being flat. It was over after the first period cuz Vegas took it and wasnt letting go. Certain standpoint? Gtfo… jeezus

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